
Why don't I have patience?

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I just started drawing, and now I am expecting to see immediate results. I think I suck at something when I can't do it as well as others, and it makes me look bad. I need to learn how to be patient and think positive thoughts but I do not know how. Any help? Any tips/advice?




  1. first you have to take a second and breathe then get back to what you are doing and just except that you may not be as good as others in that one thing but you might be really good at another thing. but you are not perfect. and maybe you need some sleep.

  2. You seem to believe that God created the Earth in seven days.

    Not really.

    To become good at anything, takes practice. Practice can really make

    perfect. Even a Genius has to learn a lot.

    Take pride in every step you take. Even the greatest Painters ever

    found fault in their work.

    I do all sorts of things. Some of them for years and I can truly say that every time I do them again, I learn something new.

    Do your best and enjoy what you are doing and down the road you shall

    see the progress you have made due to the fact that you took the time

    and effort to continue learning. NEVER think that what you consider the best

    today could not be perfected.

    What is the hurry?

    Even Bill Gates still is learning his trade.

    Have fun.


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