
Why don't I stay angry?

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I am curious as to why I don't stay angry when something happens? This could be with anyone. My jack *** boyfriend added a cell phone on his account for his "so called" son. We share some expenses, with one being the phone bill. I flipped after my investigation proved that he has a family plan "still". A family plan means "mom" is involved. This means that I paid some or all of moms bill as far as I am concerned. I had the service disconnected (it's in his name) & (the AT& T rep. disclosed this info to me). We had a major throw down about this and that as it relates to money and his past acquaintance. Now its like nothing ever happened. This always happens, no mater what went on things resolve even if we don't necessarily have a intelligent conversation to resolve it. When we are together, what ever happens for some reason never comes up, or it just melts. Should i carry things like this on? I don't want it to surface years from now. Am i just nuts along with him? This has gone on for over 10 years-its just strange. I think I have the right to remain angry, but I just can't




  1. Sometimes it is just easier to let it go then get all worked up about it. I am the same way. I don't feel like yelling and fighting and getting in a big fight so I just walk away. It is not because I have no spine or can't stand up for myself. I am just "done." I save it for when I REALLY mean business, the rest of the time I'm like "whatever...go away."

    I am speaking of my 7 year relationship with my man. Not just in general.

  2. Probably because you have gotten over what had happened. Or maybe deep down you don't find a reason to be truly mad at him, just the reaction of being mad came to mind. idk.  

  3. if even you aren't "angry" anymore, you need to recognize when a situation needs to be really Resolved (not just forgotten).  and you need to tackle those issues so they don't hurt you in the future.

  4. you have the right to remain angry, but it wold be better to find a way to talk about these things, and work them out, so they don't build up and come back later.

  5. It is good that you do not stay angry. Do you love him?  Is it possible that he continues to do things because there are no consequences?  You don't have to be angry to set boundaries. Have a conversation and make it clear to him what you expect from this point on.  

  6. just end ur relationship, if he id doing that he is probibnly just with u for he money

  7. well usually it is good to not stay mad, but something needs to be done about this. instead of staying mad, break up with him! no one deserves that!!!;...

  8. Anger is like a cancer. It can get a hold of you and make you a very bitter person for the rest of your life. I think that you are lucky!

    What your boyfriend did though was really awful though. I'd break up with someone if they did that to me.  

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