
Why don't Jesse and James from pokemon give up already?

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they obviously suck at what they do




  1. Wow people over-reacting...Well maybe because...they can't do anything else so if they lose this job they're toast?

  2. You can say what you wan't but someday they will get those twerps. They will capture Pikachu and the boss will be so happy he will shower them with praise, promotions, and money. Soon he will retire and they will become the new Rocket leaders and rule the world using Pikachu.

    But seriously all those seasons over ONE Pikachu! By this time they could have easily gotten there own. It's not even that great. They are constantly encountering rare and powerful pokemon but no we have to get the Pikachu. And they never try the same plan twice once the protagonists leave. I mean if they try again when Ash isn't there they would probably succeed.

    Ah well, I guess that's why we love them. They might not be the smartest bunch but there poverty and desperation is funny. Plus they are characters with actual depth and backstory. Something seriously lacking in the Pokemon series. They have reasons for being who they are and where they are.

  3. I'm guessing it gives them something to do. How did they make it into TeamRocket anyway? They don't fit the profile very well, especially James.

  4. I know, right?

  5. Well from what i know james and jesse were both in a bicylce gang so they jpined tem rocket together. And i guess its safe to say they are no longer part of team rocket. they just think they are. They have nothing else to do so they try n capture a probably lvl 1 million pickachu when they can jus go out i the wild and catch a weaker and easier to catch one. And the reason the creators keep them in the show is most likely for comic relief. anyhow i stopped watching since they changed the voice actors awhile ago. hope this kinda answered your question.

  6. Jesse and James and the whole pokemon franchise are drawn characters :| They are not REAL so they cant sit there and think to themselves about giving up on catching pikachu. Its a SHOW with FICTIONAL characters. Sheesh. How out of reality are you people?!?!

  7. I HATE YOU MARINE L. They don't give up because they are in so deep already and they used to be Rocket's top thieves. So every time they get Pikachu they got a burst of hope then lose them and then the burst oh hope just keeps of going until their next plan and they get another burst of hope. And just the hope of actually getting money and turning Pikachu into the boss is just a dream (they hope) comes true for them.

  8. pokemon's the gayest thing in the world...

  9. Well I think they still hold on to some hope of winning, which you think would be easy considering they are relatively older than the main heroes. It just seems that they have a lot of time on there hands.

    Besides if it weren't for them, pokemon would never have any bad guys and bad puns. But team rocket is still awesome, nonetheless, even if they are repetative.

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