Why do liberals oppose drilling for oil? What's so bad about it? There are plenty of places to drill, instead of other countries. We could just use our own country! We have plenty of places, like the gulf of mexico, and even Montana!! Look at where oil drilling would get us. We'd have lower gas prices, a better economy, lower prices for commodities, and a happy community. But look at where the liberal mindset would get us. We have the risk of losing our oil when other countries decide to cut off our supply, we have high prices for commodities, and out of this world gas prices. Plus, people obsess over going green, (which annoys me like c**p) and they think that corn is going to solve our problem. Corn ruins crops for years, where after you harvest it, you can't plant anything. And, it takes up space. So basically, their plan sucks. But why do they want it? Our plan for life is reasonable and well, kind of obvious! Why don't libs see that???