
Why don't MOST people nowadays understand the beauty and art of poetry anymore?!?

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Goddammit! When I talk poetically, they think I'm "high" or "crazy" or something!!!




  1. No need to get upset about the people that you discuss poetry with. Maybe the people you discuss poetry don't understand you  deep and meaningful thoughts the people i try to discuss with  say the samething about me. If you would like someone to discuss poetry with here is my

    hope this helps

  2. You get something deep and meaningful, someone finds a way to exploit and cheapen it to where the "real" isn't wanted.

    People want to know how they can make money off of it.

    That's why we are all getting fat and lazy and disinterested.

    By the way you have a real poetic way about you.  funny.

  3. In my opinion,...

    ...society today is so saturated by visual imagery, that the power of words to evoke said imagery is being lost.  Who wants to spend the time to find just the right collection of words in just the right order, when a single image might work more efficiently.  Poetry doesn't cross the language barrier.

    Besides, who reads anymore?  How many people understand the use of a thesaurus?  How many people contemplate their choice of words on a day-to-day basis to be sure they are expressing themselves as accurately as possible?  Unfortunately, too few in all respects.

  4. Because for the most part, people just plain suck! They tell you to be yourself and then when you do they condemn you for it.  It's just a part of life. And a lot (not Most) people just cannot understand the fluency that is poetry. Iambic pentameter is like greek to them. If you can speak poetically and mean it then rock on ! Continue to be imaginative and some day (unfortunately Probably when you are dead) people will appreciate you. Look at Emily Dickinson, or Edgar Allen Poe: Most people said they were crazy, but that was their opinion, and people ARE entitled to their opinions, no matter how much they suck. But I  say Go for it. Poetry is the most beautiful language. Just remember: Being remembers Crimson Hopes. Any one who is fluent in poetry will get that!

  5. I agree...! =]

  6. Embracing technology has a played a large part in this.

    With the advent of IM's and texting, along with the short cuts of those two for communicating, we have become a lazy society.  How many people do you know that actually write with pen and paper ?  How about how many can spell without the aid of a zombie spell checker ?

    Another side to this the number of shortcuts available via the internet to having your questions answered.   Research is rolled into a nice package that requires no more brain power than what is needed to type a question at most and a phrase is more common.

    The study of English grammar, spelling, and composition has long been endured and considered by many to be an evil to be suffered through.   Well, it appears we have found a way to shed that brain numbing evil subject and it has been embraced way beyond all reason.  

    Teachers no longer feel a need to, or are allowed to, require adherence to what they were taught in school as political correctness says that very adherence is punishing too many students.

    All of a sudden we are a society embracing short cuts along with the ignorance it is producing.  Want to see an example ?  Visit this Y!A forum and see how many students show up asking questions so poorly written they defy belief.

    Thankfully not everyone subscribes to the short cuts.  Quite a few do though.

  7. its because technology had taken us down,

    t.v. with entertainment and extraordinary colors and actions; celebrities around us, and plus people want to venture the world to live so alive!

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