
Why don't Red Sox fans get on David Ortiz when he doesn't run out a grounder or a fly ball?

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Just wondering about this double standard between ortiz and manny.




  1. Because Ortiz is a fat old man. He is running, you just can't tell. Also Sox fans are crazy- they gave Manny to the Dodgers. What were they thinking? Thank you, just what we needed. I hope you still make it to the playoffs.

  2. david ortiz is a no life fat loser who doesnt really want to play that bad i think he is showing lazyness and just wants to go eat a icecream

  3. There is no double standard. David Ortiz is a great player who is just getting back after a major injury. He loves to play and is a true team player! Manny is a great player but not a team player, he doesn't give 100 percent unless it suits him. He trots around on purpose or doesn't hustle on the field. Hes a diva and Ortiz gives back to charities and such. I have not heard of Manny doing that.

  4. wow... you must hate the red sox stop trolling!

    david ortiz is not manny daivd ortiz is the one who plays his fullest healthey or not.

  5. Ortiz is not a clown.

    He doesn't run his mouth, he doesn't make up injuries, he doesn't pull bizarre antics.

    He helps his team. He supports charities. He always wears a smile.

    There's no reason for Sox fans to hate him.

  6. They'll hate him after he leaves Boston just like they do all their other players.

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