
Why don't Republicans get it? Their policies don't work?

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It trickles down only when you have prostate problems.

The theory of taxing the rich less and having prosperity trickle down to the peons has been proven not to work. The rich are rich because they are greedy and they will find a way to keep their riches to themselves.

You build an economy from the ground up, not top down. You start with educating your greatest asset----your people. You then make sure they have the tools to develop their talents and motivated to give of themselves to make their society greater.

If the rich get richer and poor get poorer (the case today after Reagan's failed experiment), then a motivation gap is created. The poor, who make the rich rich, lose motivation to offer themselves because they feel they are just treading water.

Part of the government's job is develop and foster its citizens growth and continued improvement. There are obstacles that are too great to overcome by the individual.

If you were thrown into the wilderness with no other human being to help you, how long do you think you'd survive. Our modern society is a wilderness.




  1. " taxing the rich less"

    You do know that rich people pay 80% of this countries taxes right?

  2. What hasn't worked is the fact the DEMOCRATIC congress hasn't done a d**n thing since the 90s (when it was controlled by Republicans).  

    Are people so d**n stupid that they think Bush's policies are the reason for the economic problems the country faces.  There is a ridiculous entitlement problem that congress refuses to address and that's somehow the Republicans fault.

    You are clearly too stupid to vote in this country, move to Canada.

  3. Look at my link at tell me exactly which rich aren't being taxed?

    Ever been hired by a poor person?  Didn't think so.  So shut it and thank them for your job!  Ever think that Ds taxing the c**p out of businesses is why they go off shore?

  4. LOL! You Democrats are the ones who don't get it! You want more government programs and spending. That philosophy has never worked, and it never will. Limited government, lower taxes, a strong military, and family values is the smart choice. With all due respect, you are flat out wrong.  

  5. what doesnt work are democratic voters.

  6. The Republican party have degenerated from the party that protected American values and reform to the party that puts corrupt corporation firsts before American people's welfare.

    It's sad, really sad. I read books about how Republicans heroically gave up their lives after Civil war to try to reform the South and protect freed slaves. Now they are doing the best they can to try denigrate the same black people they protected once.

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