
Why don't Republicans like to pay for things they have bought?

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Every time a republican party is elected they cut taxes for the rich and then increase spending, which causes the deficit to grow (with interest on top of it) and strangles investment spending causing economic growth to slow or even stop. Why don't Republicans like to pay for what they bought? Why do they like to shift the burden onto the poor, other nations and onto future generations? Why can't they learn to be responsible and stop maxing out the national credit card and then bitching and whining when fiscally responsible democrats try to pay the bills. They keep trying to have their cake and eat it too and whine every time someone tells them it won't work.




  1. Debt does not matter with Republicans because they will just tank the dollar and then pay off the debt just like Germany did.

  2. Debt is Republican's only instrument.

  3. Why do Democrats like to make others pay for things they don't want or need ? Fiscally responsible democrats ???? Now there is the best oxymoron of the day.

  4. huh.  Since your facts are wrong I cannot answer your question.  Pretty typical taliberal hate message.

  5. what the h**l are you talking about people in Washington both party's are that way what planted do you live on,

  6. do you follow history at all, You and any who agree with you are fools to think that such a blanket statement has any merit.

    The Last 3 administrations created debt for our grand children, you cant pawn off the blame on any one party.

  7. You see, this is the type of logic that conservatives cannot stomach.  Clinton initiated a "pay as you go" program, and voila, the debt was erased and a surplus attained.  But the YA Cons will accuse you of not knowing history, or of not ever having to pay taxes, or whatever non- sequitor they think will distract others from a logical argument.

    Since I am in the mood to school any Con who might read down this far and past the first few lines, here is a little history lesson...

    Reaganomics were a success, even though they ran up the debt, it created a one time cushion that enabled the Clinton Administration to establish the pay as you go program.  Pay as you go was a program designed for the times, based upon sound economic theory, using past models to build upon a dynamic economic model.  When Bush took office, he and his cronies did not want to credit the Clinton Administration with any successes and wanted to impress everyone that they were like Reagan, so they brought back the Reagan tax cuts, regardless of the outcome.  There was no sound economic analysis, it was pure politics, designed in an attempt by Bush/Rove to bootstrap themselves to the Reagan legacy.  What happened is pretty self evident, and we are now beginning to feel the effects of their poor planning for the future of America.

    Simple really...

  8. That's why I'm a Ron Paul supporter

  9. We do pay for things we buy.  You can join us back here in reality anytime you wish.

  10. Let me guess.. you've never paid income taxes in your life?  If you had, you'd probably understand there's a minimum amount of money you have to make before you pay a cent of tax.  You might also have noticed that the more money you make the higher rate you pay.

    I'd suggest at some point in your life you consider getting an education and a job and actually learning how our tax system works.

    Sorry, Democrats don't pay the bills, they make decent Americans do it for them.

  11. may I ask what you are ranting about

  12. Gee, I bet you celebrate every April 15th and cringe when July 4 comes around too. One little point you have omitted, your man Mr. Obama voted not to cut 40 Billion in spending. That is a verifiable fact. Who is really a big spender?

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