
Why don't Taxi Drivers get caught speeding?

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Especially on Friday and Saturday nights. They're trying to rush round picking up and dropping off customers (some whom have no sense of speed because they're intoxicated) Yet they are a law to themselves just because they want to get to their next punter.

I would've thought at these times they should be more careful of drunk people stepping into the road, yet I never see any get pulled over by the Police for speeding.




  1. lol yes they dad was a taxi driver n lost nearly all his points for speeding

  2. Yeah, downtown New York City is the worst.

  3. because...uh...hmm...good question...

  4. I've seen a few get stopped.  I even saw a bus driver get a ticket for speeding.

  5. LOL I think they pay off the cops...

  6. the real question is why don't 90% of the cars get caught speeding.

    Be honest, when was the last time you drove for an hour without breaking any speed limits?

    I drive over a toll bridge every few days. The speed limit is 15. I slow down to about 40, and I'm almost driven off the road by cars doing 60-70 mph. In a 15 zone! I never once, in many years, saw a car even approaching 15 mph. BTW, this is the Tobin Bridge.

    So don't point at a taxi driver, trying to make a living, when all the other drivers, with no reason to speed, are doing 20-50 mph past the limit.

    A month ago, I tried to drive for an hour and keep to all speed limits. Couldn't. Not just the bridge I mentioned above, but many other places.

  7. they do get caught

  8. I didn't know that they didn't get caught speeding, I mean I've seen them get pulled over before.

  9. They do, but probably not as much as they should because cops know taxi drivers will contest any ticket in traffic court. In fact, if you want to know a good lawyer who will cheaply get a ticket dismissed for you, hail a cabbie and ask them. They be glad to tell you. In fact, if cabbie's had to pay every ticket they got, they would go out of business. A cabbie gave me the name of a local lawyer just this year. He got both tickets tossed for me for $50 each.

  10. You dont see it but they do get pulled over and will be ticketed just the same as you would.....

  11. Because the cops in your place are bad?

  12. they know where the cops are,

    as long as you're not reckless or doing something stupid i think cops often give working people a break on the roads.

  13. I've wondered this too.  Taxi drivers routinely go 20 mph over the limit, but I never see them pulled over.  I guess they much contribute heavily in the annual police fund raising events.

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