
Why don't US politicians debate like UK ones?

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I find it amazing to watch debates of english politicians, the house of commons debates are incredible to watch compared to the incredibly bland debating in the US, which is mostly non existant.




  1. Because one our politicians can't speak without a teleprompter.

  2. The first person who responded to this question pretty much answered it.  American politicians are very much like American movies:  dumbed down to the point where the stupidest product of 300 years of alcohol abuse & first-cousin marriages can understand.  Another reason is that American (and Canadian for that matter), politicians are so afraid of saying something that will offend someone that when they open their mouths, they rarely say anything at all.

  3. I agree with you.  Unfortunately Obama refuses to debate without a teleprompter.  

  4. Because all Republicans do is fillibuster...

    They just hang out in the lazyboys and do nothing but stall and vote no on everything as long as there is a Democrat majority.

    Democrats are the only ones with a variance of opinion... Republicans just vote yes to oil/banks and no to everything that benefits real people.

  5. It's a cultural thing. In the US, voting is based largely on faith in a candidate. Debates tarnish that faith, so politicians typically avoid them.

  6. Lol, I'm from the UK and political correctness here is what prevents debate other things that really matter. UK politicians are terrified of debating over immigrating - a serious, pressing issue - for fears of being considered racist. The censorship here is ridiculous. The right wing politicions in the UK are even banned from debating in parliament, it's crazy, and if anything is said that could be perceived as racist, they are banned also.

    British politicions don't debate, they just avoid controversial topics and talk a lot of ****, much like American ones.

  7. Because we have a demanding public - nah we don't want you back - not thanks - I wouldn't call on your country if we got into war with Russia - Don't think we could survive it  

  8. I agree, when Tony Blair would stand in front of the book and give a wise *** crack it would make me chuckle every time.

    "To my wise honored man in good standing from the labor party, I say to you GOOD DAY SIR."

    hear hear !


  9. US politicians are nowhere near as articulate.

  10. It won't happen in this country when debating a liberal it is easy to debunk most of their arguments which is mostly non sensical emotion that's why conservatives do so well on the radio and liberalism has to be crammed down your throat. if there were true debates like in the UK it would become painfully obvious which side made sense

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