
Why don't adults have a problem with teenage pre-marital s*x but have a problem with teenage pregnancy?

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They think it's "unacceptable" when their 16 year old girl daughter gets pregnant but puts her on birth control and allows her to have s*x.

I don't think pregnancy is "wrong". It is just the result of s*x.




  1. It's not wrong, but I think not all parents are okay with teenage s*x but they are hoping to talk with you about it so that you know the precautions on how to protect yourself. birth control + condom. i know many many people who got pregnant on the shot, pill, and mirena birth control.

    and just a teen having a baby... like 16, really what kind of future does that kid have>?? how are you growing up going to raise a baby... you should be able to experience life and high school... a lot of it makes you who you are today.

  2. whats in a hurry about s*x

    you might regret it someday when you`re not

    a virgin anymore

  3. I wouldn't say that parents are "okay" with their young kids having s*x. Yes there are some parents that don't mind if their teens are having s*x, but I wouldn't say that "all parents" are okay with it.

    As for Birth Control, I think a lot of parents put their daughters on it so that in the case it does happen *which as parents we know there is no way to watch our kids every minute of every day* they will be protected. Secondly, Birth control has other uses besides preventing pregnancy. It is a powerful drug to help regulate periods and also alleviate cramps. It can also help with hormone imbalances and bad acne.  

  4. Her parents are worried that she'll go do it anyways, but if she has birth control, she can't get pregnant.

  5. my parents worry about both because they dont want me having s*x until 20 and im a pre-teen so really i see the problem. they want me to focus on my education first. but when im ready i found the right person and old enough then i really dont have a problem with them worrying.

  6. aahh!!! adults say us teens are complected, but look at them

  7. Same reason adults and other teens will call a pregnant teen girl a "disgusting w***e" but say nothing about the guy who knocked her up; sexism and ageism. People still hold onto the idea that women are property and they should only have s*x in marriage to pop out babies to make the father proud. Add ageism to that and it's basically why people react as they do.

    If a girl is under 18 and gets pregnant, even if she was in a monogamous relationship, people will call her a s**t, w***e, ******, tramp etc...

    It's sickening how people are in mob-mentality form.

  8. I don't quite agree, I think parents put their children on birth control to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and not necessarily because they condone the sexual activity but they can't exactly stop it. Yes pregnancy is the result of s*x, and it certainly isn't wrong but when young children are getting pregnant it becomes wrong for they are not in a position to raise a child when they are still one themselves.

  9. No one said the "approve" of teenagers having s*x.  Truth of the matter is..  teenagers will have s*x if they decide to have it anyways!  You are better off to be open with your teen and educate about safe s*x so if your teen chooses to have s*x, at least they can make a well-educated and safe decision!

  10. I don't know what kind of friends you have or what is wrong with their parents, but my parents and my friends' parents do think pre-marital s*x is wrong especially for teenagers.  My mom never put me on birth control or "allowed" me to have s*x.  If parents are stupid enough to allow their children to have s*x, then they shouldn't be complaining much when their son or daughter tells them they are about to be a grandparent.  While parents cannot stop their children from having s*x, they definitely should not be supporting it or allowing it.  If they do, in my opinion, they are guily of child cruelty.

  11. Because unless the teenager has an abortion, or puts the b*****d up for adoption her parents have to support it financially, and they've already had their kids.

    What gives teenagers the right to saddle their parents with extra medical bills, clothes costs (have you seen what maternity clothes cost?!?!), and food costs (you're "eating for two" now)? Until you can afford to buy your own maternity clothes, food, pay your own rent, car payments, car insurance, health insurance, etc... you have an obligation not to saddle someone else with your "result of s*x."

    You can have outstanding s*x while using birth control, preferably two forms ( like the Pill AND condoms [ which prevent you from getting nasty things like STDs, HIV, etc..]). Believe me both males and females can really get off while using Birth Control! and you owe it to yourself and to your family not to get knocked up or get HIV or another STD. So unless you're living in the freakin Dark Ages, pregnancy is a very avoidable "result of s*x."

    I say enjoy s*x, but you have got to do it responsibly. If you can't use birth control and have responsible s*x, then you shouldn't have it at all.

  12. i agree.

  13. They don't necessarily "allow it" they just want their daughter or son to think smart and be protected if they choose to have s*x.  Some parents I agree just let their children do it then get upset if pregnancy or STD's happen but there are parents out there that just realize they can't be there with their teen 24/7 holding their hands and making decision for them so they may decide to give in and have s*x so some of those parents choose to go with birth control and education about protection choices so if their teen does have s*x that they are at least educated about things so hopefully they make a smart choice.

  14. Well... this is kindda tough... you know that most of the time if parents say DO NOT HAVE s*x teens are going to do it anyway. The problem is that they need to be careful and use some kind of birth control. I sometimes use condom even though my girl uses the patch. I use the condom when I think there are more chances that she could get pregnant. So, be responsible if you are going to do it.

    Personally, I would advise not to do it if you are under 17. You will regret it (If you are a girl [unless you really love the guy]).

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