
Why don't adults take Teens seriously?

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Even if they are smarter than they are. They try to make them seem like the are lesser than themselves no matter what and they'll act insecure.

They make themselves look better even though they know they're wrong.

I'm not talking about old people because old ppl are very wise and they have a lot of experience




  1. because the think that because they are older they know more and therefore can tell you how to run your life.

  2. As for parents I think they do and will always see they're offspring as their child . Teen years are tough cause the parent has to deal with the changing of their child  into an adult, and they have to learn to trust that child. You are saying that you respect old people because of their wisdom and experience. Well its all about growing up and learning each and every day  

  3. Because adults watch alot of Rated R movies where teenagers are out smoking with friends and stealing cars

    :P its in alot of movies

  4. why dont teens take adult seriously?

  5. We all thought like that when we were teens; because we weren't fully developed, mentally. But what you complain about is more a teen PERCEPTION and EXPECTATION because of the true inferiority of the teen brain at that age.

    Teens are all into themselves; they usually don't even see or acknowledge any adults around them unless hit up the side of the head by one. I've had teens see right through me, and never notice I was there; so the issue is one of perception. This will change, I assure you. In the meantime, try recognizing adults, and the fact that we went through the same thing, and eventually developed. . . . .well, most of us did, anyway. Some never made it, I guess.

  6. they know that the teenage brain isnt fully developed so you're likely to make mistakes, act stupid, be childish, etc.

  7. because most adults are retards, and they think they know all and are all-powerful

  8. Most teens act invincible and that they know everything, exposing their naiveté. Not even adults know everything. I have to admit that I dislike being belittled, but, considering what other people my age are doing, most adults have good reasons. The brains in teenagers aren't as developed as adults. Teens tend to act on whim and pleasure than by thinking things through. But one should admit that some adults haven't even grown up yet and use their "power," given to them by age, to try and control everything someone inferior by age does. Some people just mature (cognitively) faster than others, and more power to them, but, overall, teenagers can't entirely prove that they are independent and responsible adults. They are just beginning to bloom and go through new stages, they need some time to settle into their own person, and hopefully become respectable adults. During the transition they just need to experience and learn. I suppose it's like taking babysteps again, but as an adult.

    Edit: When does one start being an adult anyway? Does age determine it? Biology? Law? Maybe some people never "grow up," while others are precociously wise.

  9. At the end of the day, teens are awesome. I have learned to change as my teens have changed. Thank goodness for a friend who challenged me to change with them. Talk. Talk. Talk. to teens. You will learn so much. TV has portrayed our teens as having the upper hand in adult relationships. I have met few teens who do not respond well to respectful dialog. I am not blind to the challenges our teens face, but parents, please get a grip. Invest your time in your teens. They are a blast. They will be running our Government soon enough.

  10. I think being a teenager is one of the most difficult stages. When I was a teenager I thought the same way. I now understand why most adults do and say what they say. I think with teenagers it is not so much about being right and wrong. There is no balance. It is completely normal. Teenagers are more sensitive, emotional, lots of hormones, lol. You will understand when you hit your mid twenties, you will feel chemically balanced.  

  11. Some do and some don't. Everybody is different. Every adult is different and every teen is different. Some teens do things that earn them respect others don't care.  

  12. Because the majority of teens don't take ANYTHING seriously.  I mean, they sh it in their own backyards, metaphorically speaking.  And when the few that are mature come along, "adults" like to write them off on the pretext that they are just like the rest of the selfish arrogant kids.  

    In no way am I bashing teens, as I am one myself.  I am just communicating my observations.

  13. Some adults can take a teenager seriously, but only if they are a smart, mature teenager. For the most part(and there are certainly exceptions to this) teenagers hardly see the world as involving much else but themselves, and I know this because I WAS one and people always told me that I was very mature and smart and whatever for my age, and I was, but I was still a teenager with much less life experience than an adult. You will recognize this fact once you are older and maybe even more so once you become a parent. Once I was out on my own and learned about managing money and such I gained alot of respect for my parents, then when I had my daughter at 21, things became even more clear. I know now that there is still much for me to learn at 22 an onwards, and I expect that a lot of people older than me with more life experience may know more than me, I am young, and there is still plenty for me to learn about the world. But am I smarter than a teenager who has VERY limited life experience, YES, does that mean I wouldn't take a mature, smart teenager seriously in a conversation, NO.  

  14. It seems apparent to me that you are the teenager in reference to the question. To answer your question, I must ask a question. How do you react when told or asked to do something by an adult? Don't even try to snowball me here. If you give "tude" every time an adult asks you to do something, like say the dishes or yard work or even your homework, this will show the adult that you are not ready for the responsibilities of being taken seriously. Intelligence has little to nothing to do with an adult taking a teen seriously. Why even your question shows a lack of respect for adults, so why should an adult take you or any teen seriously? I know what you are thinking "how am I showing disrespect to adults in my question". well that is simple: You capitalized teens and didn't capitalize adults. If you want to be taken seriously, first don't believe for a second that you are smarter than an adult unless you and the adult in question happen to take an IQ test together, even then do not assume. Secondly you must recognize that an adult has been around a bit longer than you, so they do have  a bit more knowledge even if it is not based on anything read. Third and possibly most important, give them the respect they deserve. I will guess that an adult made you look bad in front of your friends and you can't understand why. Without knowing the specifics, I can't help you understand. I hope I helped.

  15. Like all the other adult answers I understand where you're coming from simply because I was one once.  I have also been in my twenties so I know what that's like. I've also been in my thirties, so I know what that's like. As a teenager I hadn't experienced those things so I didn't really know what it was like.  I don't know everything and hope I don't treat a teen like I do but I can see where they'd get that idea.  

  16. I think that a lot of teens think they know "a lot" about life, I once was one of them! Ask yourself your question when you are 30? You will probably have a different take on it!

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