
Why don't alarmists who are so distraught over the 0.6 degree temp change just move to a colder city?

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and spare us from hearing your bellyaching




  1. Are you a real estate agent in Nome?

    I really do not expect that anyone is interested in avoiding that one degree of change, for oneself.

    But, whether caused by us or not, it is an interesting speculation about how well we understand global energy movements.


  3. it isn't a matter of city to city. This will become a global crisis that needs to be helped. A .6 temperature change affects the ice caps in Antarctica which eventually will affect the daily climate and the world.

  4. Even if alarmists who are worried by the 0.6 degree temp. change moved to a colder city, they would eventually be affected by the temperature rise anyway.

    We all know that the world is in an environmental mess, and we all have to work together to achieve a solution. People who think that they are just one insignificant person and leave it to the rest of the world and future generations to solve it all, are not insignificant people.

    The world is made up of individuals. Therefore, problems start with individuals. It is wrong to think that everyone else will deal with it, because they won't.

    Although problems start with individuals, it will help to know that solutions also start with individuals. Be one of them.

  5. They don't have to because the earth is cooling and has been for the last 10 years.

    The alarmist's are throwing everything at it at a last stand to convince people that it's real.

    It's not working!!!!

    The sheople will have to stand up for themselves sooner or later.

  6. Your posting a question gives me the right to bellyache, if by that you mean provide a reply that contains opinions other than your own.

    I'm not an alarmist. My view is rather pragmatic, really.  People -- "alarmists" and "skeptics" alike -- can't move because the impacts of global climate change are, well, global.

    In fact, due to changes already in play, a number of coastal cities are already developing contingency plans that sometimes include partial or total relocation plans.

    By the way, you're bellyaching about bellyaching.

  7. Because we don't want to have to live in poverty, caused by damage to our economy from global warming.

  8. They're probably already freezing.  

    I've seen activists and journalists rugged up in the freezing cold complaining about global warming.  Maybe only cold people worry about global warming.

    Interesting fantasy there Jassie - have you done a poll of scientists or just listened to the most passionate ones.  Most geologists seem to regard the popular reconstructions of the Earths climate history as just bad science.

  9. The problems pointed to by "alarmists" - including the vast majority of scientists - don't deal with individual comfort, but with the vast changes that will accompany relatively rapid warming.  These changes will drive great migrations of people over a relatively short period.  Substantial instability will no doubt result.  In the US, we're likely to see great drying in the west and substantial changes in vegetation over the entire country.  Our great food producing belts will move northward.  

    An idea of the rate; climatic zones in the US are moving northward at about 18 ft per day.  Pretty fast.

    On the other hand, we've developed civilization over a period of exceptional climatic calm.  This may be the test that really hones us as a species.

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