
Why don't animals leak blood ?

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... when they menstruate?




  1. Most animals don't menstruate, they go through heat of other such systems. I know that chimpanzees go through estrus, and they do "leak blood" as you put it, but it isn't the same kind of cycle that human woman go through.

  2. Animals don't menstruate. Menstruation in humans is the shedding of the lining of the womb, which thickens throughout the month in preparation for pregnancy (the fertilized egg will embed itself in the womb lining and start to grow). If pregnancy does not occur, the womb lining (and the unfertilized egg) is discarded - this is what the 'blood' shed during menstruation is.

    In animals, if they do not become pregnant, the womb lining is simply absorbed back into the body. Some people are confused by the bloody discharge seen in animals such as cats and dogs when they are in heat - this is not menstruation. Being in heat means being ready to mate - the animal's body is ready for pregnancy. As I said, menstruation occurs in humans AFTER this stage has taken place and the woman has not become pregnant.

  3. Because typically when they go in to that phase its a sign that its' time to mate, humans typically don't mate when ovulation is going on, but most other animals do.

    I think i got part of the answer.

  4. You're a cool bloke aren't you? I think you did not notice them close enough. Because if you did, you would have definitely noticed.  

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