
Why don't any Black Republicans try to run for President?

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Is it because he or she knows their party will never allow it.




  1. They do but they don't get far. Most avoid it.

  2. They do.

    The world doesn't begin and end with Obama.

  3. I guess J.C. Watts and Alan Keyes have escaped your attention.

    And then, may I add, that the sitting Secretary of State, appointed by your arch-nemesis, Mr. Bush, is a black woman?  No, she's not a "token," either, which is what you wish.  She was simply the most qualified to do the job.

    Which one of us is the divisive RACIST here?

  4. 1.  There are not that many black republicans out there.

    #2.  Alian Keys ran in this years primarys and was hardly featured in the debates,probably because they knew he was crazy by some of his past retoric.

    #3.  The republican party of today, dosent care about black people in general as we dont vote for them in any numbers to make a difference.  

  5. Because the Blacks will not vote for him or her.  That's why.

  6. Cause the Republican message goes against welfare, government reliance, and personal responsibility.  These are thing that generally categorize the black community, much to the charigan of prominent blacks like Bill Cosby.

  7. LOL It will never happen!! Too much old money in the Republican party. They have but they didn't stand a chance to really win the nomination.  Good question!

    And El Tecolote you're right about C.Rice, she was so qualified that she should have had his job since she does it so well.

  8. You have no clue to what you say

  9. Conservatives voting for a Black Man. Yeah right that will happen when the NRA protests against a war, or evangelicals embrace g**s as couples.

    Don't you get it? The Republican party doesn't want any minorities at their parties eating the chip and dips.

  10. Black Republicans? mean all three of them?

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