
Why don't any of my girl friends/acquaintences ever invite me to their baby showers?

by  |  earlier

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...Heh and people wonder why I'm so bitter about my enemies' pregnancies. (alongside the reason that I don't like seeing my enemies get moral support whereas when I was pregnant, people tried to talk me into an abortion)

If I don't get involved with my friends' babies the way their other friends do, how can I show that I too am interested in doing things like having some of my own someday?




  1. Dude they are mostly for girls, trust me they are doing you a favor

  2. if your female (which i think you are)

    i think it was because when you got pregnant they didn't like it or something?

    bring up the subject with them

    ask them "about that baby shower, am i invited?" and if they dont answer than just drop the subject. it also depends on what kind of friends you guys are, if your SUPER CLOSE and best freinds then thats rude not inviting you. If you just talk everyone once in a while i think it is ok for them not to invite you.

    also it depends if they are just inviting family.

  3. I'm not sure what the history is, but I know you posted a comment yesterday that people weren't supportive of you being preggo.  Have you made some poor life choices? You keep mentioning "enemies".  If you don't like them, why would you want to be there??

  4. maybe because its only for females not males

  5. Slip, she is a female.....

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. They are boring anyway!!!! Plus, maybe it's just a coincidence and they all have decided to have really small baby showers with just their families and closest friends.

  6. You sound like a downer.  I wouldn't invite you to any party either.

  7. baby showers are more for females..not really males, unless they're dragged there..

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