
Why don't atheists like me?

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Every time I go to AOL chat rooms for atheists they either put me on ignore. Or worse call me names like Fundie or ask me for s*x services.

Why is this? And fundie sounds like a sunday treat, do they like ice cream?




  1. I love you!

  2. Well, it sounds like they find you both annoying and hot.

    Fundies are annoying- no ice cream will ever be as annoying as a fundie.

  3. Yea what Cath said.

    Perhaps you should stick to Sheep Chatrooms, stay with your own kind.

    You dont see me going into Christian Chatrooms and screaming HAIL SATAN no matter how funny that is.


  4. It could be for a number of reasons such as:

    1.  You are a fundy

    2.  You offer s*x services

    3.  You proseletyze ad nauseum

    4.  You make a pest out of yourself quoting scripture on an atheist website

    Any questions?

  5. Many Christians tend to be poorly educated in reality, especially the christian teenage girls.

    Low hanging  fruit, to use an Aesop-ism.

  6. Probably you are being an ***.I don't know you,so I can't say for sure.just general experience tells me that is probably the reason

  7. Coz you preach too much?

  8. Some people are a******s. Maybe you're preaching to them? That can turn people off.

    I don't hate you, if that helps.  

  9. Its because they are all under the influence of the devil... some of them just don't know it yet =)

  10. Maybe because you're being annoying and pressing your religion?


  11. It depends on the questions you ask.

    Come talk to me in email if you'd like.

  12. Probably because you're a troll - the sundae quip gave it away

  13. We don't take too kindly to people trying to preach to us, especially in chat rooms that clearly state that atheists are in the chat talking about atheist things.

    Sunday and sundae are not the same things.  My goodness, you fundies are an ill-educated lot across the board, aren't you?

  14. Gee, I don't know. Without some kind of EVIDENCE of your posts it's hard to say for certain. EVIDENCE is important. With EVIDENCE you can make better decisions. I sure wish I had some EVIDENCE , then I wouldn't have to make my decision based on FAITH.

  15. I wish we had an ignore button on this site

  16. maybe you're preaching.

  17. Perhaps Christian should practice some Exodus from outta this place.

  18. Maybe it is because you spout hateful and bigoted things? I don't know, if it's just a random act maybe you just said something they didn't like.  

  19. Your answers that I have come across here have been preachy. I don't know about your answers elsewhere.  

  20. havnt a clue

    maybe only you can answer that, and maybe its not just atheists who ignore you and ask you for s*x services

    i love ice cream, but i dislike  fundies

    they taste bitter  

  21. I don't really care about this, except I want to know what your response is to the services request.

  22. What do you say in your postings there? That really doesn't matter in the long run. If you are nice to them, they should at least be nice to you.

  23. Are you preaching to them?

    Most atheists don't want to be told to accept Jesus into their lives or they'll go to h**l

  24. They do that to all Christians because they are ignorant and don't know any better, so just ignore them.They think they are being smart coming up with names like 'fundies', it really just goes to show their true mentality. Now watch how many thumbs down I get and you will know how many atheists read this post :)

  25. It's that funny smell.

  26. You might not know it but I do love trolls.

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