
Why don't bodybuilders all play UFC? They'd easily win?

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I don't understand why they wouldn't just go to UFC and win titles. When I see a man benching over 200 kilos I just ask myself why don't these people just go to UFC or Pride and win tons of money?




  1. well its not always about how much you can lift because someone with technique  and experience can easily win

  2. your joking right?and anways ufc drug test for steroids lol..

  3. theres a difference between practicing this:

    and practicing this:

  4. probably because their hearts c**p out if they go any vigorous movement

  5. because they would match them against people in the same weight class that are not only big, but have had years of experience in learning how to fight.

    while size and raw physical stregth play an extremely important role- technique can teach you to generate more power through knowing HOW to strike my maximizing the stregth you ahve.  this is apparant in boxing as well (more in the old days when the gaps between weigth classses was wider).  for instance when dempsey won the title he was 180- he koed willard who weighed in 60 pounds HEAVIER than him, a size difference unheard of by today's standards.

    so a bodybuilder would not only have to deal with the fact that they don't have such a huge stregth advantage, but that they are unskilled.

    a powerlifter/bodybuilder (i suspect power lifter is what you meant) has an opportunity to have a great advantage becasue of thier size, look at bob sapp- he might not be on the mark, but its an example of a big guy getting by on size alone.

    however, it is not a guaranteed win or that they will "dominate", again, look at bob sapp.

    all it would do would compensate for an utter lack of skill.

    (thanks again for bieng an example a third time bob)

  6. you are a complete moron. lifting has nothing to do with how hard u can punch, idiot. all bodybuilders would get beaten down going against ufc fighters. technique > strength

  7. Please watch the Brock Lessner vs. Frank Mirr fight.  Then watch the Protector with Tony Jaa.  Then answer your own question.

  8. ,Bodybuilding is a good base to get in shape for any sport, but don't think that's all there's to it!  You have to go by the specificity rule that says , there is no way you can train for an event by not doing the event itself. Sparring, ground training, super endurance training, most of all being able to take a punch or kick. Believe me, I've seen some guys w/ muscles who couldn't take any punishment in that ring, glass jaws for sure. Very violent I would not recommend doing it, in the long run you could really have major health problems, just my opinion.

  9. Submission holds are designed to neutralize strength. Considering how imobile most bodybuilders are, they be easy targets for the guys that don't focus on striking.

  10. because fighting isn't all about muscle. They have no tyechnique. IDC if you can bench 600 if you've never had any Jiu-Jitsu or Judo classes I'll beat them easy.

  11. They have to have good technique and most bodybuilders have so much muscle they cant even fight.

  12. I started to write an answer for this question, but then I realized you have so little idea as to what your talking about it isnt worth the time.

    So to answer your question, the reason body builders dont go to the UFC is because they would get killed.

    Dont you think some of them would actually do it if they could win so easily? instead of making nothing doing bodybuilding, they could go to the UFC and win?

    None of them do because they all know they would get killed.

  13. Your a ******* idiot. Just because you have strength doesn't mean you have power. Body builders may be muscular, but they have too much muscle to have the flexibility/movement needed in MMA. Heavyweights like Fedor Emilianko, Cro Cop, Noguiera, Randy Couture, even Bob Sapp would destroy a meat head. They could knock them out or submit them fairly easily. And especially in MMA, strength isn't everything, you need to be well-rounded: fast, strong, powerful, and technical. But rarely do you see guys who have no skill other than their strength in the MMA. Brock Lesnar maybe huge, but he has a wrestling background, he's pretty much the only huge muscle wise guy i can think of in MMA.

  14. Bob Sapp vs. Minotauro Nogueira

    Bob Sapp had over 150 lbs over Minotauro and guess who won...

    Just because they're big doesn't mean they have what it takes.

  15. Just because a guy has a lot of muscle doesn't mean he can fight.

  16. trust me they have tried and got their a$$e$ kicked.  Look at Tank Abbot and Phil Baroni...

    It's the very same reason why tall awkward dudes don't play NBA..

  17. Because they are scared and they are not powerful, they only have muscle. So they are slow, and are losers.

  18. Tank Abbot could bench 600 pounds and he lost more fights than he won in professional mma competitions.  Sean Sherk is as muscular as a body builder and he lost to BJ Penn.  Ken Shamrock in UFC 1 was all steroided-up and he lost to 175 pound Royce Gracie.

  19. Because they don't want to get a bloody lip. Body builders aren't fighters. Yeah they have have big muscles, doesn't mean they can throw a punch. When someone walks into the cage they know full well that they are going to get hit and get hurt. Not everybody can do that.

  20. a puffed up smidgen of blow fish poo is ill prepared to fight, standing in front of a mirror flexing is not training it's narcissism, they lack cardio traing, are too slow to dodge a punch...why do you think no bodybuilders are in any sports only WWF ( fake) wrestling?

  21. you gotta be fast, have a lot of endurance and strong you cant win with just one.

  22. first of all, you dont play UFC, you fight in it. And there's more to it than just being strong. You have to have speed, ability to throw and block punches, and you need to be able to wrestle and have knowledge of MMA. I bet you many bodybuilders would get their a%*&%s kicked in the octagon.

  23. because they would get their big old arms ripped off

  24. rotflmao

  25. Bodybuilders train to get body mass, they train hard to get big and defined muscles.

    MMA fighters like the ones on the UFC train to hurt people, to either knock them out or submit them.

    Two very different skills.

  26. WOW. Let me guess, you think UFC is street fighting? A common misconception. It is MIXED MARTIAL ARTS. Maybe they don't join because they suck at fighting.

    Go troll somewhere else now.

  27. get the h**l out of here...


    go home...

    your a joke.....

    bodybuilders are a joke...

    waste of time and money...

    this is the first question ever to irk me...

  28. There is no Pride anymore. Just because you are strong doesn't mean you would do well in UFC. You have to have other skills as well, wrestling, some type of martial arts training, and if you don't have good cardio as well then you will definately suck in a UFC or any fight.

    Strength is only a small part of it.

  29. Leaving to one side for a moment the torrent of interesting comments from other posters. Body builders train to increase muscle mass usually (oddly enough) as a cost to their physical health. A body builder in a competition is usually at his or her weakest due to the strict diet aimed at reducing body fat. A professional power lifter might fare better against a UFC competitor, but, as so rigourously noted by others here, success demands technique so the odds would favour the trained fighter over the trained lifter of weights.

  30. Bench strength doesn't equate to fighting talent. Most body builders have muscles built for short burst of power.  They only use their muscles for a few seconds.  In a match they would tire quickly, and their strength would no longer be a factor.  If you look at most MMA fighters, most are pretty will defined, but have longer thinner muscles than body builders. Their muscles are built for extended periods of exertion.

    Then there is the fact that body builders are trained in lifting weights, not fighting.  Many of times I've seen a guy much larger and stronger than his opponent lose because he didn't know what he was doing. If they haven't trained in striking, they won't be able to land an effective punch. If they haven't trained in grappling and submissions, they won't be able to fend off chokes and arm bars.  A good example would be the Lesnar/Mir fight. Lesnar was overwhelmingly larger, stronger, and more aggressive than Mir, but because of his lack of submission training he was submitted by one of the most easily defended moves, the knee bar.  

    A body builder would always have a punchers chance in an MMA event, but without the proper MMA training he would not go very far in the sport.  That's why they stick to the dumbbells, so they don't look like dumb asses.

  31. 200 kilos is about 440 pounds. I guarantee you that that man has virtually no flexibility and zero cardio.

    There's so much more to fighting than brute strength. I've met guys who can lift way more than me but they're ******* that can't throw a decent punch or take a hit and hit back.

    Good fighters are tough (there's a difference between being strong and being tough, MMA fighters are usually both), they are well trained and athletic.

    I can't stand people who think they can win a fight just because they can put up weight in the gym.

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