
Why don't boys generally like to bake?

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A lot of men cook. But they just won't bake. And I've never met a guy who didn't love cookies and brownies and beg me for them whenever I baked them. Why can't they make them??? Whats the big deal?




  1. I don't bake because I'm absolutely no good at it. No matter how hard I try anything I make doesn't turn out the way it should. One day I made a cake but for some reason it didn't rise at the edges. It was like less than an inch thick at the edges and fully risen in the middle. I used the right amount of ingredients,right sized pan and everything. If you put me on a grill though, I'll make some mean ribs and steaks.

  2. i do know guys who bake, but not many of them.

    why is this question in etiquette ?

  3. Traditionally (and Historically), it has been more of the woman's responsibility to cook.  More men are getting around to it, but it is still considered the responsibility of the woman to perform household responsibilities in a lot of social environments.

  4. Hey, if it bothers you, price up a menu, hand them an order form, & they collect.

    They'll go along with this & place an advance order, or they'll realise that you are not Mommy.  

  5. my son blames the stove, he says it makes the kitchen hot and boys are somehow hotter natured than girls so they try to avoid anything that makes them hotter, plus he said the potholders aren't that great, apparently he feels the heat threw them and thinks he is going to get burned.

  6. This is a huge generalization! My boyfriend LOVES baking! Neither of us have much time for it, but he's actually way more into it than I am. Which is good, because I LOVE his baking! He's quite skilled in the art of making cookies and cherry pie ;)

  7. It is one of those "guy" things. They think baking is for "girls". It's not studly enough. But look at the bakers at a lot of commercial bakeries. They are men. Especially in donut shops.

  8. Well, I'm KIND of a boy (I'm 45 but I'm childish) and I LOVE to bake! Pies, cookies, cakes, breads, rolls, pizza! YUM! Any baked dessert is OK by me! My snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin and gingersnaps are well-loved by ALL my friends.

    I remember a long time ago in junior high, we had the choice to take a bread baking class or some other, outdoor, typically male "sport" type thing. I chose bread baking. Needless to say all my mates laughed at me and called me bad names. They changed their tune when they ended up following their noses through the hall looking for freshly-baked breads, rolls and bagels. HA!

  9. I get baked all the time baby!

  10. I've found just the opposite to be true. My dad, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, son, and even my husband are notorious for getting in the kitchen and whipping up a cake or batch of cookies. My father-in-law and my little brother make some of the best candies I've ever eaten, but try to get any of them to cook a meal (unless it's cooked in the back yard) and we would all starve to death (or eat candy, cookies, or cakes for supper).

  11. my bf doesn't like to smoke, but he will , from time to time make chocolate chip cookies.

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