
Why don't cats like to get wet?

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Why don't cats like to get wet?




  1. they're crazy, no good to anybody but you.  kill the stupid thing.  

  2. Some cats love the's all in what the momma cat taught the kitten in the beginning.  Some dogs hate water too - it just depends on the animal and how it was raised.

  3. some cats can actualy swim

  4. Well how would YOU like to l**k your own body dry after washing....


    Go to you tube and you will see some cats that LIKE water ... but not many

  5. Not all cats hate water. Some cats love it. However, it has been said that cats hate water because it depends on their past and personal experience. EX: If a cat fell into a stream, then was pulled out, its bad memory might prevent him from liking water. The Turkish Van breed loves to swim, and has been known to swim into Lake Van's harbor to greet fishing boats. A bit odd, but that's their personality.

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