
Why don't chess Computer ELO's match up with human ELO's?

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Computers should be much better at game play tactically. From what I've seen personally, Computers are Pretty close. I use chess Master 10th Edition. What is the Difference between the Two?




  1. Find that out and win a Nobel, I think.  Heck, ELOs don't work out historically.  The further back in time you go, the weaker rated the champions are.

    Some think that is right, but does anyone seriously think say, Karpov at his peak could have brushed aside Alekhine or would it be a fair fight.

  2. Actually at tactical play, computers are very much superior than humans - humans are better at positional play.  The computer engine Rybka I believe has an Elo of about 3000, its an engine that hasn't yet been beaten in a match by a human at normal time controls.  That just shows how much better a computer really is.  Now Chess Master 10 uses a different Elo system then FIDE's, it uses USCF (United States Chess Federation) Elo which has a + 200 point difference between FIDE's rating system.  

    Hope this helps!

  3. Don't get too hung up on ratings.   They are not absolute, they are relative.

    ELO ratings are determined by what a player does within its own particular universe of opponents.

    In CM 10th, there is a "randomness' element built into the skill level of each "personality" .   This randomness element will determine how often each player will make the "best" move (as calculated by the program's engine), how often it will make the "second" best move, the "third best" move, etc...  The lower the "rating" of the personality, the more often it will tend to make the 4th, 5th, 6th best moves...or worse.    Personalities that are given a "high rating" will tend to make the best or 2nd best move the vast majority of the time.  That's why they play so much better than the lower rated "personalities".

    But again, ratings are relative to whatever group of players you're competing with.

    If you're talking about an "official" ELO rating that FIDE or the US Chess Federation issues, that's determined by how you do in their sanctioned matches/tournaments.  But again, you're comparing yourself against other FIDE or USCF players.

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