
Why don't companies stop polluting?

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why dont companies stop polluting sewage into water sources? why would they in the first place? dont they know it destroys the enviorment?




  1. Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) leases a Cadillac DeVille for $774 a month with taxpayer money.

    In defense of his taxpayer-funded Cadillac, Rangel says, "The car isn't just a vehicle for getting around; it's an important part of doing my job, and my constituents appreciate it."

    But why not question the mindset of a congressmen who complains about oil companies but drive around in gas-guzzling automobiles.

    Such members of Congress should be doing more to lessen America's dependence on foreign oil -- and those congressmen who do otherwise, he argues, are being "hypocritical."

  2. its cheaper to pollute than do it a safer way

  3. it is unfortunatley cheaper to pollute and pay the fine (if caught) than to upgrade facilities to prevent pollution.

  4. Because a company objectives dont necessarily match social desires.

    If pollunting saves the company money, they will do it. Because they are responsible to their investors.... I still think thou, the regular individual is far more responsible for pollution than companies are.

  5. Just when I start to think, "hey, maybe Dr. Jello isn't completely on the moon with his views. Maybe there is something to be said about questioning the prevailing knowledge about environmental issues", he goes and says something completely fraudulent like "there is no company that dumps waste directly into water sources.

    Oh really? Then why did we have to fight the BP refinery from INCREASING the amount of waste products they dump into the great lakes. THE GREAT FREAKING LAKES. The largest reservoir of surface freshwater on the planet.

    And not stop them from doing it, but stop them from INCREASING it.

  6. It's cheaper to pollute then to give a hoot

  7. In the current market economy, there is cost assigned only for goods and services. No cost has been assigned for pollution of air. So there is no incentive for any company to reduce pollution.

    If a company dumps 1000 tons of CO2 or only 1 ton of C02  for making one product, it really does not matter to the company right now.

    But instead if there was a cost for dumping C02, say a cost of 1 cent per ton of C02,  then there will be a difference. Then company will have to make a decision on whether it wants to spew 1000 tons of C02 and pay $10 or else spew only 1 ton of co2 and pay 1 cent.

    Now , there is an incentive for the company to reduce pollution.

    This is the reason why Cap and Trade system is preferred and will inevitably be the norm in a few years.  It is just a matter of assigning cost for pollution !

  8. Poluting is there job.

  9. because being responsible and caring about the evironment costs money.   It is short-sighted as they are destroying it and clearing it up and undoing the damage they do will be more expensive in the long run.

  10. To be responsible costs money.

  11. I doubt you will ever find a company that dumps waste into water sources.  This practice stopped over 40 years ago for good.

    Why do you continue to spread these falsehoods?  What's your agenda?

  12. In the USA and EU, discharges to water sources are regulated by the government.  Each discharge has a permit and if a company stays within its permit, the government and society says that the are NOT polluting.  In other countries it is a matter of economics and lack of government regulation.  There, pollution is a way of life and the biggest concern is the people there have never known clean water in the collective memory.  The biggest "polluters" to water bodies in the EU and USA, if you consider any discharge as polluting, would be people like you.  Can you stop polluting water bodies.  If you know a way to make this happen, the wastewater industry would like to know your solution.  The greatest minds in the world can not figure out how to do this.  Also remember, that natural water bodies have natural degrees of pollution.  Rainfall can cause pollution, that if nature was an industry, it would be regulated in the USA and EU.

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