
Why don't deadbeat moms get as much negative attention as deadbeat dads?

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Why don't deadbeat moms get as much negative attention as deadbeat dads?




  1. because the world is sexist, and tries to make the man look bad and make the woman look like aw poor little lady....I'm not sexist and think everyone should be treated equally but thats the truth of it....I think society doesnt want to point out deadbeat moms personally but they are sure out there

  2. there arent as many of them.

  3. Because there are a whole lot less dead beat moms in the world ~

  4. I strongly disagree that there are less of them.  I agree with the people that said the stuff about visibility and sexist notions about what a man and a woman are.

    I also dont think that the reason more women get costudy because they are better parents, I think it goes back to pre-conceived sexist notions of what a woman is and what a man is.  While that is probably the minority, it doesn happen.  While I do know more dead dads, I do know several women who got custody whose kids would be better off with the dad....  but they all make to everyone they talk to that the dad is so dead beat.

  5. There are not that many fathers that are given domicile custody. I do have domicile custody and I can say that my kids mother has not help support them or given them anything in the last year and a half. She barely sees them. She would rather be with her new boyfriend that is a junky. I can say that because she has become one and has not been able to pass a drug test. Her poor choices is why I have custody. There is not much of a chance for a father to get custody of the kids unless there is something drastically wrong. I believe who ever splits up the home should get the kids. But it doesn't work that way. Women are able to have their cake and get paid for eating it too. It was very hard for me to get my kids because I had to be able to prove every thing I accused. I was able to but it cost me dearly. I love my kids and will do anything for them. More attention needs to be put on deadbeat mothers.

  6. There are fewer deadbeat moms. But the dead beat dad's don't  get treated badly. They are talked badly about. But really, the single mom's get stereotyped... but the guys (or the women) that abandoned run around and get treated well by soceity. Like when I was pregnant. I got stereotyped... but he took off and didn't tell anyone, so he still got treated nicely by others who had no idea that he had a baby that he never saw.

    What I am saying is that the people that get negative attention are the ones in the limelight. The deadbeat dad's that are in the limelight do get negative attention. but most deadbeat parents of both genders... simply are not around to get the negative attention. It is all a matter of visibility.

  7. While there are less, I do think though that when a mother ditches her kids it is seen as a lot worse.  I know like 6 or 7 kids where their father has left, and 2 kids (siblings) who's mother left, I am a lot closer to the kids whose mother left, so it could just be like personal anger toward her, but I am more angry with her than all the dad's that left the kids I know.  It seems more like a guy thing to do, especially b/c they have less control about having the kids (they can't take the birth control (I don't believe in using it but most people do) they can't work their gf or wife's ovulation (if they don't know it) and they don't choose to have the abortion (I don't believe in that either), but the mother has all those choices.  They both can simply say no to s*x until they are married and financially and emotionally stable-but they don't.  Overall, I think it is worse for a mother to leave her children, especially since there is a much greater bond usually between a mother and a child, but either way, it is horrible for ANY parent to ditch a child.

  8. Looking at the numbers, of course there are more deadbeat dads, there are more moms getting custody than dads so its obvious that there would be more deadbeat dads.  But I wouldn't say that is the reason why.  I would contribute it to good old fashion double standards.

  9. Men are traditionally the provider as opposed to woman.  

    However times are changing and more woman are falling short from their motherhood role and straying from their partner and leaving the children.  Its somewhat of a role reversal (at worst).

    It's all in the course of time.  

    Women are put under the microscope as much as men nowadays.  Look at Britney Spears.

  10. Because people think the majority of the time the children are handed over to mom without a second thought.  That may be true, in this country.  In a lot of other countries, custody is given solely to the father.

    Personally, I know more deadbeat mothers than I know deadbeat fathers.  But my opinion of deadbeat may differ from other peoples'.  I personally think that if you have several children each by a different father that not only are you a deadbeat parent, but you are completely and utterly irresponsible and a w***e.  

    Maybe it's because I know way too many girls that have children and don't know who the daddy is.  Or maybe it's because these girls continue to procreate to get child support so they don't have to work (seriously, I know a woman who has three children by three men and gets upwards of $2500 a month to sit on her can).

    Personally, I think men are getting the jilt here.  I know more dads that are involved in their kids lives then the mothers.

  11. i guess because theres more deadbeat dads.

    But , There ARE deadbeat moms too so i guess guys need a LITTLE more credit.

    but not many.

  12. honestly because there are less dead beat moms they are out there though. women usually get negative attention for being a single parent. and dead beat dads usually don't go around admitting that they are dead beats.

  13. Good Q, I think since mom's already did the job of birthing the kid, the dad is supposed to do all the financial stuff. To expect a woman to squeeze a baby out and then pay for it, isn't unrealistic, but you gotta cut her some slack.

  14. because there are more men out there  that dont want to take care of there biz an they just throw it out on the women to do but we u do get them occasional  wemon that dont do wat thay need to do they ae nt lokked down up on as much because wemon to take care of what they have to do expecally black wemon they do what they have to do to live an take care of there kids

  15. Women who neglect or abuse kids get a LOT more bad press because people find it more shocking....the same for women who abandon kids with their Dad' just have to google "Mothers who leave their children" and you'll see.

  16. Personally, I can not think of even one deadbeat mom but I can think of at least a dozen deadbeat dads.

    I also agree with Daisy.....moms who are deadbeats get MUCH MORE attention than deadbeat dads do. People tend to say, "What kind of mother would do such a thing........." , but when a man is a deadbeat it seems he is not as harshly judged.

  17. you have a pt. if they are as deadbeat as the guys out there. it should be called deadbeat donors

  18. 1. There are fewer of them.

    Other than that I somewhat disagree with you. Any mother who gives up primary custody of her children to the father is seen as evil and ``What kind of mother are you?`` While a father who does so is not usually seen as evil so much as a victim of circumstance.

    If a father has every other weekend visitation that is seen as fine because he should work and pay child support. But what if a mom is better at work and a dad is better as a nurturer? If the mom or both parents would make a custody agreement with dad as primary custodian everyone assumes something is very wrong with the mother.

    So...we do not have an egalitarian society either way.

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