
Why don't democrats want to admit that many in the extreme left-wing of their party are socialists?

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Haven't you heard Hillary Clinton talk about "shared prosperity"? Haven't you heard Obama wanting to provide free health care to anyone under 18 years old?

Those ideals are not the ideals of capitalism...rather socialism.

Its plain to see that many left-wing democrats prefer the socialist system of European countries over the capitalist system of the most successful country in history.




  1. Why don't Republicans want to admit that many in the extreme right-wing of their party are rich racists?

    Oh, gee, Obama doesn't want 14 year olds to have permanent medical problems because their parents aren't as rich as Bush's. that is absolutely shameful.

    Capitalism works reaaaaaly well for the people who are already rich. It's hard to make something from nothing.

    At current wages, most people have to work an hour before they can pay for the gas it took them go get to work. And a certain gas company made 3 BILLION dollars in a month.

    I think this country could USE a little socialism.

  2. Are you kidding?  Socialists are in the MIDDLE of the democrat party.  The extreme left wing doesn't have a word for it yet.

  3. They don't want to admit it because it would doom any election.  All you have to do is listen to their rhetoric and it's plainly Socialism.

    the above is a good true article

  4. And there you have the essence of our two party system: the Democrats, a party of economically retarded Socialists, and the Republicans, a party of self-righteous Christo-fascists.

  5. i thought it was "free" health care for everybody in the US. cuz its universal health care.  but anyway.  socialists are linked to comunists and they dont want to be linked to conunists. even though they think like them.  and socialist health care wont make everbody happy cuz then people will die or live in pain waiting to get treated.

  6. For the same reasons that Republicans don't want to admit that their far right-wingers are fascists. Both parties want to put their best face forward.

  7. Well with the democrats it's all about the feel good; make every one happy tra-lah-lah bull c**p. It's just one more step towards communism... I'm not saying our country is going to become communist because most people are dead set against it (of course we do have a few loons that think that's the best form of government) but anyway....

    Many people remain uninformed and just go with their feelings (which is what the Democratic Party is all about... decisions based on emotion) and decide to go for the popular candidate or the one that makes them feel good or the one their buddy is going for. "Oh well free health care for everyone seems nice. Go let the kids get abortions... it's not their fault they got pregnant. Let’s take away guns and make it illegal to have them to cut down on the violence (first of all a majority of violence using guns is by a criminal... NEWS FLASH PEOPLE CRIMINALS BREAK THE LAW! They will find a gun. They will use it. Not to mention that taking away our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS would be infringing on our rights!) Get out of Iraq blah bah blah blah. Open up the boarders and let all the illegals in... Amnesty!!!!" that's such crud. If people want to come live in our country.... wonderful! Go get a dang work visa and become a citizen! Don't mooch off the American tax payers money and go make your own dang living. Provide for yourself!

    If Obama becomes president we will survive those four years... our country is strong enough. But when he does leave we will have some issues to deal with.

    UGH sadly I dont have a ton of say in politics and what goes on in the world... yet. I'm only 15.

  8. its because they know it will draw away votes and it doesnt work in a country as large as the US and its unconstitutional


  10. communism didn't work out liberals are deluded, Yeah vote for Obama!lol

  11. Never been a Democrat, but even I know that facism is WAY worse than socialism. So, the answer to your question is...

    Democracy at its very core deals with the premise that what is good for the Majority is the way things should be - no matter right or wrong. This allows for things such as slavery and not having a death penalty for child rapists. Also, welfare, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, free primary and secondary education, social security, and medical treatment for low income children and their families. Also, the right to bear arms, national parks and public lands/waterways, and voting itself - all originate from the concept of Democracy. Democrats are the party that is the most popular and that aspires toward a purer Democracy. That is not socialism. There is no such thing as socialism.

    Socialism is a psuedo-intellectual term coined by someone who attempted to convey a concept of Democracy existing in the absence of Capitalism.

    Capitalism can be thought of as a continuum ranging from self-help all the way to prurient-greed. It is an economic pseudo-intellectual term devised to describe an excuse for systemic and organized greed. It works on the half-lie that everyone is greedy, therefore, legalize greed.

    Democracy and Republicanism are descriptors of political governance. Socialism and Capitalism are economic terms.

    Republicans (AND Democrats) are socialists when they allow themselves to be overtaken by the special interests (ultra-conservatives, radical right, crazy Christian fundamentalists, corporate and private elites, gun nuts, etc) and start giving away The Peoples': property, taxes, military services, and rights to intelligent interpretation of the U.S. Constitution to those special interest groups. (It becomes the government giving the majority's S**t away to all of a special group of persons for absolutely nothing in return except payola, kick-backs, promises to hire after leaving office, and a shared belief in greed.)

    Let me tell you...were it not for the socialistic allowances that are part of this nation's fabric there would be no roads/highways, no credit unions, no military, no general tax system (dreamed up by capitalists, btw), no education system, no food and drug agency, no Veteran's Agency in short nothing that helps the nation as a nation would exist without the past socialistic aspect of our politico-economy. And believe me, you probably would have never been born if your ancestors believed as you because they would have been killed by the majority for causing or advocating massive social, political, and economic injustices. So, be careful.

  12. Socialists wants everyone to be equal. The democrats just wants everyone to be happy.

  13. One simple answer that should answer this question and many of the other questions you probably have.

    Liberals are friggin idiots.  They have no common sense.  If you pick apart there long pointless speaches, it just shows how honestly stupid they are.

  14. This simple liberal math formula will help you figure out why these people do the things they do.




  15. erm, so what is wrong in being a socialist? erm, is it worse than being an homosexual?

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