
Why don't envi/scientists &environmentalists focus more on tackling Global worming?

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1. Using suitable reflectors to reflect the heat back to space

2. Encourage / make it mandatory to use whites.all over..

building / roofs/sidewalks etc to compliment the strength of white being lost at the pole regions.

3. Who knows laying sheets of reflector- sheets in the outer- space could one day be a part of space mission.




  1. They do!!! Believe me they do and have for a looong time.  But you can't do much change without total market support.  We are a capitalist nation and you can't just change everything right away and expect the economy to survive.  And of course government involvement that might hurt a business is a hard call to make, and I'm sure there is tons of legal aspects to do that.  If you were to suddenly say that

  2. The problem is too widespread around the world. We may be able to find fuel alternatives but they have to find a way to mass-produce it to the consumers of the world. The carbon emissions being launched into the atmosphere is too great to lower right away.

    Reflectors cost a lot of money. The cost of testing them would add on to the production. And you're talking at least three million of these reflectors orbiting the Earth!

    Are you saying to paint everything white? Though white is a reflective color, it doesn't help with the ever growing hole in the ozone layer. Before you go reflecting heat back into space, you have to stop the hole in the ozone layer from getting bigger. Then you can reflect the heat while the biosphere repairs itself slowly. That process can take a while.

    Better put, we need to find better fuel alternatives that can be mass produced to the consumers of the world. Otherwise, these ideas of yours will only remain ideas until mankind can take a stand and stop wrecking the environment.

    Environmentalists are trying harder than you think. Even though it seems like they're doing nothing, you have to understand that this problem is worldwide and can't be tackled all at once.

  3. That is a hard question to answer, because we can't control what they think/ do. That, my friend, would be up to a.) the govt. and b.) the people of the United States (unless you're from another country...) lol :P

  4. YAY global worming!

    Seriously though, building reflectors (other than pre-existing rooftops) is a very inefficient way to compat global warming.  Why build reflectors when you can build clean energy plants?

  5. Why would they worm the Earth?

    Oh!!!!! You mean Warming!

    Environmentalists, that's all they think about. Global Warming, with an a.

  6. But we do ,we encourage the use of mulch and advocate worm cultures for making organic fertilizers and compost.

    Up with Global Worming

    there is nothing better for the soil than worms

    Mulch stimulates worm production ,because it keeps the ground moist ,

    But all of this is here on the ground ,

    I fail to see what space has to do with it.

    as far as reflecting heat is concerned ,where do you think it reflects to???

    heat reflects back to earth because of our atmosphere and the clouds.

    you would not be pleased if somebody reflected their heat onto your garden and house.

    But you think nothing of wishing it on any one else in other places .

    even wheat fields cause freak hot spots sometimes hundreds of miles away with the heat they reflect .

    This is far more that what the houses would do ,unless as you suggest everybody does it

    that is extremely anti social.

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