
Why don't fast food places wear gloves when preparing your food?

by  |  earlier

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A very few of them do, i think Wendys and Taco bell, but im not sure that others do..

Do you think they should all wear gloves? or not?




  1. OMG do they really not wear them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              thats gross!

  2. Why would they?  Do you think that non-fast food restaurants have their chefs wear gloves when they prepare your meals? Nope!

    That's why everyone is required to wash their hands before handling food.  Wearing gloves doesn't make things more sanitary.  Gloves are generally only worn if the person has a cut or something on their hand, then they should wear a glove.  But, it's a big pain.  Have you tried cooking with latex gloves on?  It's a pain.  As long as they wash their hands and follow all the sanitary guides, there's no danger to your food.  I would be more worried about eating at someone's house then a fast food restaurant.

  3. i dont think they do...their just trying to get the food to the window as fast as possible...i am disgusted by fast food after watching super size me and fast food nation...

    never eat bologna or nuggets...their just chopped up random body parts of animals or floppy old chicken b***s :P gross

  4. I don't think it matters either way, really. I've watched fastfood workers with gloves on take cash, scratch themselves, cough into their gloves, etc. and go right back to making food. I've also watched as food prep people cross-contaminate food (chopping vegetables on the same cutting board they just chopped meat on without washing it first). Gloves won't help if someone's dirty or doesn't know proper food-handling procedures.

  5. nowadays who knows... restaurant's workers can say what ever they want to say to make their customers happy and "feel safe" while eating their food.

    most importantly YES! ALL WORKERS should WEAR GLOVES when POSSIBLE! like serving i don't necessarily think they should, they just got to be careful when holding it =p

  6. I've worked in a couple; they all have million page books of standards, and one of them IS to wear gloves when touching food.

    In actual fact many don't, as you've noticed.

    One excuse is, if the supervisor has to help out, it takes too long to put them one/take off, as supervisor usually doesn;t wear them, for doing paperwork, serving at counter,using computers etc

    One THEORY is, people wearing gloves feel their hands are protected. So they do dirty things with the gloves on (handle money, sweep the floor, put out garbage) and do NOT wash or change the the gloves don't guarantee hygiene at all.

    If they do these things without gloves their hands feel "yuk" so they will wash them...even with just food stuck to the hands they tend to wash them more often.

    With pizza or burger MEATS it doesn't matter much as the cooking sterilises the food. With cold food or the salad components of a burger this does not happen, so gloves SHOULD be worn, as long as they are changed after doing dirty work.

    Everyone should also wear a cap or visor to prevent hair from falling into the food.

  7. any place dealing with food has to wear gloves when handling it. it is a health code violation not to. i would be careful eating there even possibly call the health department on them.

  8. actually they should wear one

  9. yeah they should wear gloves

  10. No, they should just wash their hands.  Germophobes make me crazy.

  11. 1.  It's not the law

    2.  You are more likely to wash your hands than change

    your gloves.

    3.  I work at a restaurant were we serve over 600 hundred guests a day.  Try wearing latex gloves.

    4.  I hate people who are afraid of germs.  If you're so afraid, stay home and inhale the bleach fumes.

  12. i know in the state i live in you dont have to wear gloves but my owner/operator of my restaraunt knows it is coming so he has already had us start doing it.  i think it is a great idea!  a lot less cross contamination.  it is just all around cleaner

  13. Yes they should!! I thought all of them were suppose to. Even if they do wash there hands, still they should were them!  I would ask the manager or call the company headquaters. That makes me not want to eat out, even the thought!  I thought it was required by government health inspection!

  14. I think they definitely should.

  15. Definately!! But they should also wash their hands but we can't make them do that either. The rules are there. Some people choose not to follow them. I recently went to pick up pizza I had ordered for my family at a local pizza place. When I got there my food wasn't ready so I waited and observed.  The guy making pizzas was also answering the phone and taking money at the register. NO GLOVES NO HANDWASHING! I asked for my money back and left. GROSS!

  16. I think they should and it should be a health standard even for workers in the drive-thru. I have seen workers with sores on their arm and hand then hand people their food. YUK!

  17. I'm a teenager who works at Mcdonalds. When you're preparing food or making sandwiches...we're required to wash our hands and wear gloves also. We're actually not even allowed to touch the nuggets with our own hands...we need to use a scoop.

    It's not like that everywhere

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