
Why don't feminists do interventions with women who aren't with the program?

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I'm thinking of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, beauty pageant contestants, etc, who make a living off their appearance and being oh so feminine. Why don't feminists say something??




  1. Because, unlike some people, we don't believe that everyone should be forced to live the way we think is right?

  2. Attractive women have more power just from looking good than any group of feminists (regardless of number) could ever have.

  3. Because we have far bigger issues than what Paris, Lindsay, Twitney, et al., do with their lives.  And even if we are speaking out, are you really listening?

  4. Paris Hilton is attractive? I always thought she looked like an overgrown blond chipmunk.

    Either way, those girls are beyond help, from feminists, shrinks, parents, whatever. Only when they stop getting attention for their antics will they learn to face reality.

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