
Why don't feminists speak up to other women regarding their poor life choices?

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Most women seem obsessed with things like makeup, gossip and watching American Idol. Why don't feminists try to give these women a gentle nudge into a more meaningful life that reflects feminist ideals that were fought long and hard for?




  1. I hate American Idol...and all the other stupid mind numbing reality shows. (rant, sorry I'll get on with it)

    It isn't that simple, I agree with you that some women take advantage of the rights that feminism won, but still continue to act shallow and at a disadvantage using the system.

    But I cant change these women anymore then you cant change the thugs in the street(though it might be safe for me to try)

    All I...or any feminist can do is set a good example...touch those we are close to like our daughters and friends and hope it catches on.

  2. Because if we tried to do that, we'd get told to mind our own business. The best we can do is speak/write about this sort of thing without forcing other people to agree.

  3. Are all   feminists so stuck up that they believe they should be suggesting how others choose to live their lives ,or is it just you ?

  4. that is a great question. i think it is because you really cant change there mind. for instance why does everyone seem to want to be a model, singer, or dancer? it is pretty ridiculous. anyway, it is probly just a fad.

  5. A) It's none of my business what women freely choose to do - I believe the personal is just that, personal, not political.

    B) What exactly is wrong with make up, gossip and American Idol?  They're not hurting anyone else and they get pleasure from it so who cares?  :-)

  6. Even if they make poor choices, those choices are their right.  THAT is what feminists have fought for.

  7. Someone has to do the job of taking care of the kids.

    What makes Feminist think that it's a poor life choice, I think they're insane.

  8. Your assumption, that feminists automatically have the right answers, is a bit arrogant, don't you think?

    While I agree that feminist ideals were indeed fought long and hard for, they aren't always the perfect solution for everyone's life.  People have to decide for themselves what principles they build their lives upon.  Feminists have made it possible for a woman to choose what principles those are going to be, for herself.  But feminists don't have a right to tell others how to live!

    I also wanted to mention that it isn't only a 'feminist's' job to teach young women what options they might have.  In my own family my father was the resident feminist, and made sure we girls knew opportunity was limitless!

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