
Why don't fish get electrocuted when the water they are in, is hit by lightening?

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Why don't fish get electrocuted when the water they are in, is hit by lightening?




  1. some do;

    electricity takes the path of lest risistance.  it will go from the surface to the sea floor in roughly a straight line.  only the fish that are in that line will be electricuted.

  2. The fish aren't grounded by anything because they don't leave the water.  Therefore the electrical current can't go through them.

    Colleen Calvert

  3. They do.

  4. Luvmyroo is wrong, fishes are part of ground, the get  electrocuted.  Try puting cables from a high voltage magneto in water, when fhishes come by turn the magneto, you will see. Or do it in a fish tank at home.

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