
Why don't girls enjoy their period?

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us girls always complain why?




  1. because its a very annoying thing! every month you have to go through the same thing over and over again! totally sucks bigg time!

  2. hassles. stains. cramps. mess. but i like the fact that it somehow cleanses my blood.

  3. It's like a package deal.

    The complaining just comes alomg with it.

  4. because it SUCKS

  5. cause there agonnising, painful, annoying, c**p, and cause they make u feel as if you want to kill yourself lol

    there is only one advanage.... you can shout at any guy anywhere and anytime lol

  6. for me its because my stomache hurts 24/7 for about 2 weeks (the week before i start, then the week im bleeding) and I can't make it stop. Also, major mood swings.

  7. im NOT a girl.. but i think that gives some pain when its about to start, and it bothers a lot being bleeding down there... so theres nothing enjoyable

  8. ok to the guy who said that- NO UTERUS, NO OPINION!

    jeez. we all complain because periods are gross.

  9. -bloating




    -mood swings

    help me?;...  thanks.

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