
Why don't guys ask me out anymore? Is it because I'm getting older?

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I have a dilemna- see, I've been asked out by a lot of guys, older and younger, when I was a teenager, but ever since I started my 20's (I'm 24 now), I've only been asked out just once and now, guys only stare at me or tell me that I'm pretty. Why is that? Is it because I'm older now? Does age play a factor in this at all? Anyway, I need to know b/c I really want to get a boyfriend and eventually married in the very near future ( and yes, I'm financially, mentally and emotionally ready to get married!). I mean, I don't why this is happening to me- it's not like I'm dumb or anything (I graduated from college and now, I am in graduate school and working)! Anyway, let me know what's going on- and serious answers please!!!!




  1. We are not always the smartest, and I think many modern guys are too shy for our own good. I'm an 18yo senior in high school and in spite of many cute and approachable girls, I have asked one girl to a dance, and was rejected. That rejection isn't why, but I have not yet gone to a dance or gone on a date with a girl. I basically have by default stopped trying, because I can't get over the anxiety of the situation. We just aren't able to front the confidence like other generations.

    You will probably have to take the initiative, like ask the guy to do something with you. That will get him more comfortable with you, then he may ask  you out, or begin to flirt.

  2. you may be too pretty

    and they are afraid of you

  3. its not your age, your only 24. you should show that you like them, and then they will ask you

  4. Ahh to be that young again. My take on your not getting asked out, if as you say, your a pretty gal.  Most men, just assume, that you can't possibly be single and not dating. So they don't even bother asking, in most cases.

    And you know what assuming something does to you. Maybe by letting it be known, you are single and looking, you may get more 'bites'. Men usually don't look at a girls hand, our eyes are usually occupied elsewhere on the ladies body.

    Maybe you need to be a little more aggressive, when you see a guy you like, and invite him for a coffee or a drink some place.

  5. why don't you just marry me.....will just skip past all that dating bull shiiiit.

  6. I'm 24 I still ask girls out all the time, but only the ones i think are really attractive cause I don't want to settle.

  7. There is nothing wrong with U! It's just different that before!

    Work place guys will not say or ask u out because of the work place laws. I bet there is a couple of guys that like u that u talk to every day. Who make small talk with u! If u know they are single ask them to dinner someplace or lunch! Keep low profile to see if they are interested.

    Most important write down on paper what kind of guy u would like in your life and for marriage, etc. I know this may seem silly! But if u meet someone that fills your list! Ask them to dinner or lunch!

    Remember if u want a boyfriend u looking for a boy!

    If u are looking for a man u may find a husband.

    1 Tip smile and be yourself!

    If u need anymore help e-mail me!

  8. Why don't you take initiative and ask them yourself?

  9. well maybe they are looking for someone

    who is not just 'really hot'

    so start doing other things

    play some sports, go the gym, swim, walk dogs at the Society for Prevention of Cruelty towards animals

    get a life that is not just centered on you being hot and wanting to get married

    and let life take care of itself

  10. Send me some pics. If I'm interested maybe we can make something work.

  11. Hold a conversation with them so you come across as approachable because all guys see them selves as ugly and expect you to look down upon them

  12. Most guys probally think you're "tooken" because you are older.  

  13. you sound bossy........perhaps that's a turn off

  14. um i know girls that i thought were really pretty i never even thought to ask them out because i imagined they already had a bf.. its hard to approach a pretty girl.. maybe you should ask guys out??? just a thought

  15. yeah ...right you are soooooo old. No, it is just a dry spell. it will pass

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