
Why don't guys shave their body hair?

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In one of my previous questions I asked, "What would you say if you say a guy with no body hair?" Most people said that it would be really hot or s**y, but then why is it so unacceptable in society for guys to be hairless on their legs, pits, arms, face, etc.?

Because I was looking through some other questions and people were saying that if you shave that much as a guy then you are g*y, which I don't really think is true. I mean, it might look different at first, especially if you knew the person for a while and then suddenly they started shaving, but it doesn't mean that person is g*y.

I mean, you don't call a woman a L*****n if she doesn't shave, so why call a man g*y if he does?




  1. its got g*y for guys to shave , i get my whole body waxed and i am not g*y

  2. Actually I am not g*y, but I shave mine. It feels clean and s**y, and looks great, what can I say? And IMHO feeling good about yourself is more important than the results of some social poll of various opinions.

    Also it feels better when you're intimate with someone because the skin has more "feel" if it's totally smooth. BIG PLUS ! !

    Also if you totally know what you're doing when actually with a woman, then fortunately suddenly there will be no doubt whatsoever that you're a REAL man ! ! Funny how that works.

    There's just no conflict. It's just Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, light and dark, they can coexist, in one personality, in my opinion.

    Therefore, don't be shy to experience your feminine side, it just shows you're a well-balanced person. Just my opinion.  

  3. It's all a matter of ethnic culture and personal taste.  I like guys with body hair, don't flip over anyone just because they shave.  Body hair is a sign of maturity, and I can't imagine waiting so many years for it to appear just to shave it all off, but that' just me.

  4. Males should not ever shave their body hair other than their face.

    My Lord ! That is so g*y !

  5. I can tell you why we don't. I had to shave my legs for swimming and when that hair grew back, it caught on my pant legs and that hurts! could you imagine doing that everywhere? back, chest, legs ect ect? you would become a compulsive shaver! I dont have that kinda time.

  6. Personally, i dispise pubic hair.

    So, it's gone.

    No one calls me g*y for it, even though i am.

    It's more of a personal preference.

    So, don't publicize if you shave your pubic region, and no one will call you g*y.

    I think the shaving of the legs is just something that's be coupled with g*y people, although some straight guys do it as well.

    My cousin, for example, shaves everything, yet he is straight, and has a girlfriend.

  7. some people do call women lesbians when they don't shave

    body builder shave because it supposedly makes their muscles look bigger

    my friend's husband veets his legs....because i don't know why

    i don't think it's g*y....but i do think it's strange...i mean i also think it's strange when girls shave their arm hair - but i guess thats no more ridiculous than shaving any other part of your body

  8. its all got to do with personal preferences.

    i like guys that got no body hair, i think they look hotter.

    but sum guys dont like to shave(like me...i do sumtimes but its so annoying)

    just because a guy doesnt shave and is a bit hairy doesnt mean i wont go out with him.

    if a guy is extremly hairy ..... its not gonna work out sry....

    but a little hairy i dont mind.

    i prefer hairless....but it's not a requirment.

  9. cuz men have hair.

  10. I don't know.

    Society today is just mixed up.

    I personally don't mind if a guy shaves or not.

    I'd rather he not shave his arms, legs, and chest.

    But back is a no no.

  11. Some guys don't have a problem with it. Others don't like having body hair-- so they shave it off. Society's double standards are nothing new, and I can't explain why we have them. Can anyone?

    Well I shave wherever the h**l I feel like... just my face for now. lol. Most people don't see me shirtless, and I'm usually wearing pants, so it's not like anyone's going to see much of me anyways...

  12. I want my partner to be a man, not a prepubescent boy.  

  13. For the same reason that women do.

    Actually all of the other answers are pretty well on about the reasons.

    I have also heard that pro bicycle racers shave legs due to easier recovery from road rash if they crash.

  14. well, that is just society. in other cultures it is acceptable. (guys pluck their eyebrows in japan)

  15. Face shaving is enough for me.

  16. Who does? Sure not me. Sexual taste is a thing, prejudice and stereotypes it's antoher thing. : )

    mostly I like shaved but not too much. Some hair in the right places is good. : )

  17. Well, although its nice to not have to fish for stray hairs on your tongue, a little hair on a guy is still nice.

    The word "g*y" has been so overused and distorted that it no longer means what it did a couple of years ago. First it meant "happy", then it meant "homosexual", and now its a synonym for "bad". I think ignorant people are just looking for any excuse to be mean these days, so every little thing you do is automatically g*y, such as shaving body hair. People need to realize that the only thing that makes you g*y is same s*x attraction.

    And honestly, men and women aren't judged, or even considered, the same in this society. There are many double standards that are rooted deep in our oppressive, religious past, and in my opinion, both genders are viciously scrutinized in equal proportions, just on different standards.

  18. Most men, at least in modern Western society, don't consider it "manly" to shave anywhere but the face.  But then again, there are exceptions.  Many male swimmers will strip or shave body hair to reduce drag against the water.  Plus, you'd be surprised how many men will secretly pare down excess body hair in certain areas so their significant others won't be skeeved out.  

  19. Because it is more masculine to have body hair.  Without it you look like a 8 year old girl.

  20. Actually that standard is changing. If you open up mens fashion magazines most of the models are hairless and not just the g*y ones.

    In fact, they're starting to sell body grooming products such as body hair shavers/trimmers exclusively for men. And most men are getting waxed and stuff so things are changing.

    Those who call guys g*y for shaving their body hair are mainly getting this opinion from their outdated parents who are old and stuck in their own generation of thinking.

    Age is just a number, but it's the worn out ideas that people hold onto that make them old and useless.  

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