
Why don't helicopters have ejector seats?

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Why don't helicopters have ejector seats?




  1. In the event of engine failure the helicopter can still be landed using a technique called auto rotation. Only in the event of the bird blowing up or running into something would that not work and in that instance ejection wouldn't work either.

  2. Hahahahaha take a wild guess.

  3. Because you can jump out the sides......

  4. some do !

  5. Some do, the V-22 Osprey, some are side ejectors, some use explosive bolts to dump the rota-blades prior to vertical ejection of the pilot & co-pilot.

  6. are you serious?

  7. Because they are the safest form of air transportation? More people would die ejecting than are killed in crashes.

  8. I had heard the Russians were working on sideways ejection from copters but don't know/think it ever made production. The main reason for no ejection seats in helicopters is....ROTOR BLADES !!! I had read about a mechanism to blow the rotor blades just before the seat fires but  have never heard anything of that even approaching reality.

  9. You can`t be serious!  Mind you I suppose someone could come up with ejector seats that propell you out sideways.

  10. Because of the rotor blades above that are spinning at very high speeds?

  11. not sure i suppose they can eject downwards

  12. mate you wanna get a new hair cut?

  13. some do, ejector seat in a helicopter means the side door is blown away from the craft with a small charge and the seat turns 90 degrees out wards to aid in jumping from the craft

    regards x kitti x

  14. because the rotors above the pilot's heads would be a major obstacle to overcome.  On rare occasions, the rotor blades will not be spinning and will be out of the way when the ejection would need to occur.  The rarity of this happening will make the costs of engineering, manufacturing, and installation too excessive for the very small percentage of time it could be useful.

  15. They do , they have an explosive charge implanted in the rotors to dislodge the rotors , making it safe to eject.

  16. Because you would be ejected right into the overhead

    prop; and turned into carion!

  17. The most obvious reason would be interference from the rotor blades.

    However,this can be and has been overcome.

    Many ,military helicopters do have ejector seats.Obviously the rotor blades are dispensed with momentarily before the seat is activated.

  18. there is a possibilites if they redesign the helicopter's engine.

  19. im pretty sure that it would be to do with the rotor blades... it wouldnt be much fun to be fired into whats basically a bunch of knives rotating at thousands of rpm

  20. is this a joke question

  21. It could be due to the fact that helicoptors usually fly at much lower altitudes than standard (fixed wing?) aircraft. Also, think about it. The only way to eject would be straight down... then you wouldn't need an ejector seat, you could just jump through a hole in the floor.

  22. Some do. Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters (Russian) have operational ejection seats

  23. Go and stand in the corner and think about what you have just asked.

  24. you mean apart from the fact people will become decapitated by the blades or something other than that

  25. some do, but they go down, not up.

  26. Are you the type of person that eats the smash then drinks the boiling water ?

  27. yours doesn't!!!!!!!!!!????????????? mine does and it goes sideways

  28. Ahhh, that would explain the daffy duck.....

  29. The Russian Kamov Ka-50,NATO "Hokum"is a helicopter fitted with a K-37 ejection seat,allowing the pilot to escape vertically,after the rotor blades have been separated by an explosive charge.

  30. i think roof and blades might give a clue

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