
Why don't i care?????????

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i don't care about my looks. i dont care if i'm ugly or pretty. i am who i am. hate me or love me, i don't give a d**n. that's basically my attitude

but other girls obsess over their looks and makeup and everything. i dont get any of it. who cares what you look like? all that matters is on the inside. everyone is beautiful.

so why is everyoen obsessing over their looks? and i dont get hte craze for clothes.

am i socially immature or something? i dont care about race, clothes, wealth, looks, or anything superficial. all i care about is who the person relaly is. but i think there's something wrong with that kind of thinking. cuase other people dont think lke that.

so why do other people care and why don't i ? thanks. im 13 by the way




  1. Those girls are just to get attention, wanna get guys. Especially at your age.

    Forget them, i think the same way.

    I hate those kind of girls theyre all like wearing jewelry.. brand clothes.. putting makeup before class. gosh its stupid.

    Most people right now care about looks just to "fit in" or be "popular" theyre all stuck up.

    ur not socially immature.. like you said, you are who you are. and no ones gonna change it.  

  2. i personally dont agreee with that at all.

    ok lets say someone rich and pretty as the same education

    as some one poor and ugly

    and they both apply for a job.

    who is going to get the job.

    the pretty person.

    thats the way the world works.

    sorry hun.

  3. If society actually thought like that then i would praise your attitude, but the truth is that they dont. I was like that for a while, and it didnt work out. This may sound terrible, but sometimes conforming is the best because u dont get hurt so much... but if that attitude works for you then great. But don't expect others to think the way you do.

  4. I, honestly, really like that attitude. You shouldn't be saying its the wrong type of attitude just because other girls do it. It's just their nature. I honestly have the same nature as you. I REALLY don't care about looks and I REALLY hate people who do care about people just for looks (no offense for people out there ^__^") But I support that type of attitude.

    It's not something odd or anything. It's actually a beneficial attitude. And also you're not just the only person. A lot of people are having the same attitude like you (eg. me! XD) But yeah maybe it could be a growing stage for some. For others it could be just apart of their nature.

    Just because other people don't think the way you do, you shouldn't be doubting your own thinking. Honestly. I really think your attitude is much more mature than their attitude actually. So don't be influenced just because of them. And remember there are a LOT of people like you. don't doubt your own attitude.

    And please dont lose your attitude. I'm a main supporter of it ;)

    oh and ps this is coming from a girl who's also 13  ^__^

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