
Why don't i feel guilty for breaking up a marriage. my bf is married with 2 kids and he left his wife to?

by  |  earlier

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be with me. we are currently living together and he has filed for divorce. i can't wait to get married to him. he is the love of my life. i don't feel bad for the wife. i told my bf not to leave her but he did it anyway. why should i feel anything but love for him? am i wrong?




  1. You are a looser and will get what you desirve. He will cheat on you or you will cheat on him. Thats sweet another womans husband is the love of your life. Pay backs suck sweetie. Everytime he is late you will wonder if he is cheating on you! HA!

  2. Yes it is so wonderful.You wioll find out one day what it feels like to be his ex wife when he does to you what he has done to her.

    Next his children are dying inside and they already hate you and will do what they can to let you know it 'til death do you part.

    Next,his soon to be ex and his kids will be a part of your life from now on.

    He cheated on his wife and destroyed his OWN family.Why would he think any better of you?

    He will do EXACTLY the SAME thing to you that he did to them.

  3. Yes you are wrong. You are BOTH WRONG!!! He is on the rebound & you are extremely naive if you think he won't do the same thing to you sooner or later. You need to grow up & take responsibility for your actions & drop this so called relationship. Find a real man that isn't married. He's only interested in you because you are something he isn't supposed to have. If you do end up marrying this person the divorce rate for second marriages is even higher than for first marriages!

  4. If he did it to her then you can count on him doing it to you too...You are very selfish....I hope people dont feel sorry for you when he does it to you..

  5. Perhaps you don't feel anything because you are 'blinded by love' so to speak.  I don't think you will see the full consequences of this marriage break up until later on, ie when the kids are affected by it etc.

    Oh and just be careful with this guy, what he did do his ex, he will probably do to you too.  If he leaves you for another woman sometime down the track, don't be too shocked.  Best of luck.

  6. you know ....its sort of funny that you think he is the love of your life.....obviously his wife thought that when she married him......maybe he thought that about her too, but a man who would betray and feel so little commitment for the family he created and is suppost to love....treats them so got to wonder what is wrong with him to act this way....something is not right within his personality....and if by changing relationships because it doesnt suit him, and not delve into to issues that caused these feelings in the first place....appears to me that he hasnt learned a d**n thing.

    He will do it again....of that you can be sure.  You need to learn respect for others and what isnt yours to destroy.

    You dont feel guilty, about ripping apart a family? you must have a cold heart, and it appears each of you will get what you deserve in the end.

  7. Your a homewrecker  and dont be surprised when he does the same thing to you cause that day will come.

  8. First of all he made the choice. Even if you suggested to him that he should leave her, he made the choice and acted on it. So you are not wrong. It would be a different story if you went out of your way and told lies to his wife to break up the marriage.

  9. you won't feel bad until he does the same thing to you.

  10. if he cant be there to stay commited for the sake of his 2 kids, what the h**l makes you think that he will stick with you when you have 0 kids with him?

    im not trying to be mean, but you really have to think of this, he promised to love his wife until the day he dies, you arent his wife. save your self a broken heart and leave him

    answer mine plz:;...

  11. In my opinion you are wrong for not feeling any guilt.  You helped break up a marriage and that is wrong.  I'm not saying that it is all your fault.   How would you feel if you two get married and he leaves you for someone else?  If you both had strong feelings for each other why couldn't you wait until he was divorced before getting with him?

  12. Someday someone may come along and take him from you.

  13. You shouldn't feel guilty.  What you should feel is scared for the bad karma coming your way.

  14. Because you're a terrible person! Seriously you people need to get a life. Single men aren't that hard to find.

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