
Why don't i see female work crews building houses , roads , or bridges ?

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Why don't i see female work crews building houses , roads , or bridges ?




  1. Road crews are traditionally male, because men have been thought to be physically stronger, and don't need to take a few days off every month.

    These days more & more women are getting involved in the construction industry, and being successful.  Most crew bosses are still men, and are still traditional, and don't want "fragile" women working for them.  We'll get there eventually, but it's a slow process to educate the male dominated world about what we can do.

  2. I'm sure I'll get some thumbs down for saying this but it's true. Women are typically not as physically strong as men are. Therefore, construction work is more suitable for a man than it is for a woman.

  3. You may not see that many women building houses but if you look closer, you will see many remodeling their own houses. That's why home improvement stores have started marketing to women. They know that women do a lot of their own home improvement projects.

  4. Just because they 'Demand !' the right to do man's work ,doesn't mean their about to do any heavy lifting.

    For God's sake , they might chip a nail !!

  5. It's called prison. I'm sure they do it somewhere.

  6. In Russia you would. Their women are not afraid of getting their hands dirty.

  7. If given the choice to be a traditional woman or work a hard job that pays little women choose to be a "traditional woman" thats why there are more female ceos than female construction workers.

  8. You're not looking! Before I was injured I worked in construction and ran an all female crew that was according to our boss the best he had. Yes it is hard work but I loved playing in the mud.  I did plastering and even after my injury I still do it for family and friends.

  9. Smart people work to their strengths.  And pardon the pun, but manual labour isn't suited to a woman's strength.  What I think you will see is more and more women in the support end of the construction industry, as well as female engineers.  NOT because they are smarter, but because there is an opportunity and a better fit there...

  10. My partner was a Building Contractor & I was a legal sec. when we moved to SE NC.  He quickly started a drywall firm while I looked for a secretarial job.  Alas we had moved to the a**end of the universe and nothing was to be had.  I went to work for him and never looked back.  I finished drywall for years.  He got his Contractor's license and I now run the VERY lucrative drywall business.

    I know women in every trade in the construction industry so as others have said you have not been looking hard enough.

    But the reason more women don't enter this field can be laid firmly at the doorstep of men.  Historically speaking, Daddy is not going to take his 12 year old daughter with him to th jobsite to help out.  Girls hve no idea that they can learn these skills or even how to go about it..  And yes most Job supers are not going to hire an 18 year old girl looking for a summer job.  But more and more men will hire women because they are coming to realize that we are generally more reliable and earnest to do our best.  A lot of construction don't require great strength.  Just intellegience & a willingness to work hard.

    Hey, Chris G.  -  The best part about working constrution is not having to wear heals, worry about make-up, jewelry and expensive cothes.  Good, honest sweat is healthy and I am 54 yrs old and have never looked or felt better in my life.

  11. Perhaps you're not looking hard enough. Why don't I see many male primary school teachers?

  12. I have seen two. I have also see a male teaching in primary schools.

    Most women do not like hard labor and most men do not like dealing with a room full of children.

  13. Those types of jobs don't generally appeal to women.

  14. Then you aren't looking in the right places.   Habitat for Humanity has WomenBuild houses all over the US.    

    Secondly -  why the fascination with physical labor   -   Don't  you value intellectual ability as well.   I know I do.

  15. Females like to collar the risk-free clean-hands jobs. Men do the dirty, dangerous jobs because females won't. (Apart from women with guts, like Misanthrope.)

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