
Why don't insurance companies want to cover mammograms for women under 40?

by Guest57585  |  earlier

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They say early detection is crucial, and there are women as young as mid 20s dying from breast cancer. Also, not all women feel confident in knowing what they are doing when they are doing self-examination. Even if a woman does know totally what she is doing, I would think that mammograms can pick up what cannot get picked up during self-exams.




  1. Many insurance plans do cover mammograms.

  2. That makes no sense. Mammograms should be able to be covered by your medical insurance carrier.

  3. It all comes down to money.  They have done the calculations that most incidence of cancer is after age 40, so they figure, "Why pay for unnecessary exams for earlier ages?"

  4. A traditional mammogram on a young woman is of very little value.   In a young woman, the breast tissue is too dense for the x-ray to penetrate to see a lump.  So the likelihood of a traditional mammo picking up a lump is very small.  As a woman ages, the breast tissue becomes less dense and you have a better chance of seeing an abnormality. That's way you don't start mammo's on women younger than 35 (unless there is a history of breast cancer in the family).

    The American Cancer Society does not recommend a woman start to get a mammo until age 40 (if you are of average risk).  Here's additional info from the Mayo Clinic:

    An important part of early detection is doing your monthly self exam.  If a woman does not know how to do one, ask your Geno at your next appointment. Your doctor will be more than glad to show you the proper way to do it.

    Here's info on how to do a breast self exam:

  5. Well, most of the time, it's not medically necessary.  Routine mammograms are NOT recommended for women under 40, unless there's a family history of breast cancer.  Of course, if the doctor finds a lump, he'll recommend it, and then the insurance will cover it.

    Insurance doesn't carte blanche cover EVERYTHING, just because you want it.  You can't go in and get a routine MRI, once every six months, hoping to find something wrong.  

    It covers stuff that's medically necessary.  Otherwise, it's VOLUNTARY, just like cosmetic surgery and fertility treatments.  

    And for the record, mammograms aren't as effective as a self breast exam, which all women should be performing, every month.  It doesn't "pick up" things you can't feel for yourself, for the most part.  Things it does pick up, most of the time, are just regular cysts, or other non-cancerous lumps common in fatty tissues.  It doesn't take the place of the self breast exam, where YOU can detect changes in your breast, from month to month.  

    Those young, mid 20's women dying of breast cancer, aren't seeking ANY medical attention, and likely aren't doing their self exams.  

    If you find a lump, or your doctor does during your annual exam, then they'll refer you for a mammogram, and THEN the insurance company will cover it.  Although it won't do anything except CONFIRM what you already know, and THEN you get to do the needle biopsy thing.

  6. Insurance companies cut back anyway they can. It's about MONEY. Everything in this day is about money to EVERYONE, even you. Sad, but true.

    People have lost the values of humanity, and caring, for the most part.

    However, I would rather pay for a mamogram myself, then allow the government to dictate to me what I can and cannot have dealing with my personal medical needs.

    Universal Health Care is wrong, and you still won't get a mamogram under it for years....might as well wait until you turn 40, for your health-care that you have now to cover it.

  7. There is no valid medical reason for a woman in her 20s to get a screening mammogram.

    If a woman in her 20s (or her doctor) detected something suspicious through an exam, then the insurance company would always cover a diagnostic mammogram in those circumstances.

    The only mammograms that aren't covered for women under a certain age are screenings.  Any woman of any age who needed a diagnostic mammogram would have coverage.

    As the others have stated, there's no valid medical reason for women to start having screening mammograms in their 20s.

  8. I  agree  As a Breast cancer survivor. This angers me for a insurance co to do this. As I have grand daughters that need this done at a early age.  I lost my Mom to Breast cancer. and I only have one daughter,and she is under the watch care of her Doctor.  and her insurance thankfully dose cover her. if not, then it would be very a big burden  money wise  on our low income But without hesitation we  would see she was checked.  Very good question. we need to contact our senators and governors about these issues and wake the insurance company's up. This is serious stuff.

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