
Why don't liberals understand that good Americans can own AK-47's because the 2nd Amendment allows for this??

by Guest59658  |  earlier

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to keep a dictator from taking our freedoms away, or is that what Obama dreams of?




  1. In today's world there really is no need of assault rifles for the average person.Unscrupulous people will have weapons of their choice,until caught not much you can do about it.I believe everyone should have the right of gun ownership but some weapons just should not be sold .The same goes for certain types of ammunition's.I am for gun ownership but with restrictions.

  2. There's a ban on assault rifles. What Obama was saying is that we need to keep the right to own a gun protected, but keep high powered assault rifled off the streets and out of the wrong hands. That's all. Your right to bear arms is not at risk under an Obama administration.

  3. Because they think guns cause crimes, not the people who carry them.  And if you make it illegal to own guns, only criminals will own guns.  Yes, accidents happen and are horrible.  But crimes can be prevented if victims are armed.

  4. Why would any average person need an AK-47? Got some big gophers do you? Or are you looking to replace the shotguns at your daughter's wedding?

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