
Why don't many Americans stand up and protest that their government is not listening to them? READ ALL BELOW

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In American society many people just watch the TV and go to work. Many Americans said they are angry with their government because of the war. Why do most Americans just acknowledge the problem but do almost nothing about it?

There are some protests that occur but they only last for one day and that is it. Why don't Americans protest in large numbers for a number of days like the monks do in Burma/Myanmar?

There is always the pro and anti side in protests but why not make it a silent protest for long periods of time? Protests in America are close to ineffective because people give up too quickly or are intimidated by police. Is a long silent protest not worth it?

Bush continuously ignores protests but why not protest for long periods of time silently in front of the congress? Americans elected their government but they do very little about it to change it. Do Americans not like pro-activity that they must put their effort into?

NOTE:This is to get your perspective.NO slams/hatred




  1. Just because you don't see protest groups, don't assume people are doing nothing. Email, phone calls, etc. are also an effective way for your opinions to be heard.

    The economy is great, I don't have time to leave work for "extended periods of time" That seems more than a bit ideological.

    Perhaps that's why only certain groups of people protest, they are living off the government, don't have jobs, so they have time to be heard and protest?

  2. Bush's reaction to the protests are based on the fact that he has more information than is given to the public.  I'm guessing he just feels that if we are good Americans, we'll just "trust him".  Repeating "terror" 95 times in one speech isn't going to work anymore.  WE need more information or at least viable explanations for what has occurred within our government.  His habit of classifying everything is odd as well.

  3. If the protesters do not represent majority values and opinions  they have a right to speak but should not be allowed to "wag the dog". If they DO represent the majority and the status quo does not reflect their wishes, then the democratic system is sick and not responsive because the leaders are listening to the voices of the special interests and moneymen. I believe the latter is the case in which case protesting in the street justs vents steam which could be better put to use fixing the system. A place to start would be a non-partisan Council of all people of good will. Details on request.

  4. Because most Americans are not involved in the United Statesian war in Iraq.

    The only other (remaining) American nation that is still involved in Iraq is El Salvador with about 6,000 troops over there.

  5. Americans are, unfortunately, complacent... Yes, we disagree over things and can hold onto our opinions until they result in a fight.... But we do a lot of talking, and not a lot of doing...

    ...That's why our governement runs all over us.

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