
Why don't many Christians realize the implications of the 3rd commandment?

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There is only one set of words that are specifically prohibited in the bible, and that is names for god being used in an improper manner.

So how come so many christians who say "oh my god" all the time think nothing of it, but get all upset if someone drops the f-bomb? Shouldn't they consider omg to be more offensive?




  1. True - the bible says we should not use God's name in vain

  2. Exactly.

    I consider it to be more offensive.

  3. I say "oh My God" all the time. Only we call it Praise.

  4. I consider it to be offensive and I don't appreciate hearing it.

  5. Yes, it is too true. I actually do find it more offensive then any swear word a person can say. People take this commandment way too lightly, and I truly don't know why.  

  6. The modern interpretation of using god's name in vain in silly.

    You are not supposed to swear an oath in god's name if you cannot keep it.

  7. People have become more desensitized because of television.

    Therefore, even Christians are using words and phrases they should not use. TV is a perpetuate of trash culture in America

  8. U r absolutely right! We shouldn't say the Lord's name in vein, but we all sin and fall short of God's glory! Yet, many Christians r not true Christians!

    Many people go 2 Church, do the routine, and say they're Christian! No, 2 truly b Christian u must open ur heart 2 Christ and devote ur life 2 him! U must allow him 2 guide ur life and love him, because he loves u so much that he died on the Cross so u wouldn't have 2 carry the burden(guilt) of ur sins. He died so we could have a choice of devoting our life 2 him and obeying his commands! I mean, y not devote ur life 2 the one who created u?  

  9. yes, it annoys me to the deepest extent of my soul...or intestines rather for all you athiests..

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