
Why don't marriages last like they used to?

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Why don't marriages last like they used to?




  1.   Why?  Because "We" no longer think a failed marriage is a big deal.  We all have family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors that have treated marriages like they are disposable.  "We" don't care.  "We" know people cheating, people chasing married people, and "we" are ok with them.  There was a time when a person, male or female, that was known to be a cheat, or deserted their family, had to move away, change their name, and try to build a new life where their shameful past wasn't known.  I'm not suggesting a return to the past, but today's attitude that a failed marriage is inevitable, and isn't anybody's fault is simply wrong;  d**n it, it usually is somebody's fault.  Pretending otherwise merely guarantees we'll have more and more wrecked marriages.  The vows a person takes when the get married should mean something.  If they don't, then something is wrong with the collective "we"  Cuz it SHOULD matter.

  2. Actually, they do.  Or, to put it another way, divorce was slightly less common a hundred years and more ago, but marriages ended at almost exactly the same rate as today - more spouses simply walked out back then.

  3. people stayed married despite difficulties.  today however, divorce has no negative connotation, everyone does it, whats the big deal.  it's just a do-over.  look at the words of wisdom you see here all the time:  my husband looks at pretty women - you should leave him, my wife cant cook -you should leave her  

    how about for better or for worse and til death do us part.  instead, it's if you're not happy or have a grievance just leave and start again.  

    relationships arent any more difficult than they've been in the past, but without the will/desire/need to tolerate anything less than total satisfaction even marriage becomes disposable.

  4. Too much of freedom nowadays!

  5. People are to comfortable with cheating now. Each year our society lowers are values and morals  

  6. Easy....b/c theres too many home wrecking hoes

  7. I feel there aren't strong enough commitments. People don't put the work ito it like they should.  I also blame technology. The cell phone, where you can text and chat to others and keep it hidden, and computers, where people are searching chats, dating sights, myspace.  Too many temptations available to the ones who are weak........and as we're seeing, there is alot of weak people in the world. Wanting more, wanting different, wanting to replace their unhappiness.

  8. Because divorce is socially acceptable. And almost socially expected.

  9. people are starting to realize that people make bad choices in all areas, money, jobs, etc...  Picking one person out of billions on the planet to be your "soulmate" is pretty unrealistic.  Its like trying to win a human lotto.

    People always complain that divorce is too easy, I say marriage is too easy!  Maybe if you both had to have an attorney to get married, less people would do it.  I know a lot of people who cant afford to get a divorce, but everyone seems to be able to afford the marriage license.

  10. I don't care how many times someone gets married, as long as there are no kids involved. Divorce is devastating on kids, no matter what anyone says. If you are not mature enough to make the life-long commitment to stay together, work through hard times, and face life together, and put others before yourself, then DO NOT HAVE KIDS.

  11. Because women now have OPTIONS.

    We no longer have to put up with cheating or beating because we can support ourselves.

    Don't fool yourself that those long marriages are happy, the women were just trapped, and afraid to be penniless, homeless, and stigmatized.

  12. People dont take it seriously any more and I think the internet has to do with it as well. also the media is all about s*x and 3 somes and swinging is more excepted so the typical marriage is just not taken as serious.

    I think it should be dont get me wrong i just think these are some reasons why they dont last.

  13. Nobody's want to be committed to anybody or anything that the problem in the beginning it sound great,but as soon you run into any little problem"well maybe we should sent time apart to sort things out" everything is base on the physical and what feel good right now ,you start with a lie and it becomes a joke.

  14. I think it's because divorce is just too easy for us these days -i mean its acceptable and very common -everyone is doing it. I don't really think marriage is taken as seriously and truly as it was back in the day. These days marriages are not expected to work and if it does not a divorce is simply the answer. I think it's sad.... someone once said,  if a marriage fails it is as bad as h**l on earth.  

  15. B/c ethics and morals have gone out the window. People these days expect instant gratification and if it takes too much work then they are ready to move on, just like marriage.

  16. My ex was an abusive alcoholic.  Both mentally and physically.  He also cheated on me numerous times

    I do not think it is ok to raise your children in a household where they may be in danger.  Not to mention what all the arguing was doing to them.

    My son was 11 and my daughter was 15 when I had enough and divorced him.   I took them to counseling for years to help them get over what we both did to them.  Yes I was just as wrong to have stayed in the relationship as long as I did (18 years) .  

    Today my children are 38 and 34. The oldest married a man just like her father and ended up divorced 7 years later.  She is now remarried to a wonderful man and has a little boy.  My youngest still has problems with what his father did to him.  But is married to a wonderful woman and has 2 children that he adores and treats wonderfully.

    I met a great man a year after the divorce was final and have been happily married for 22 years.  My ex is remarried and yes cheating on his wife.  But she tolerates it for whatever reasons.

    Some people do marry too young and are immature and a year or less later they want out.  But not everyone.  

    I would venture to say there is a higher percentage like me that had no idea their husband would end up with an addiction.  Had I knownI would never have married him

    Most marriage don't last because of abuse of some kind.  When I got divorced in the 80's they didn't have programs like they do now.  I worked 2 jobs 6 days a week for 4 years.   But me and my children had peace of mind.  And it was worth it just for that.


  17. In my opinion, some people do not take marriage serious now a days. I've heard some married people say "I can leave and move on" as if they were single.

  18. some ppl don't have as good of morals as they used too..sad.

  19. They had different morals back then.  When they got married it was forever.  They made it because they took the good with the bad and just worked their way through the bad times.

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