
Why don't me and my sister look a like?

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I don't understand like no one believes we are sisters but we have the same parents! The only thing we have in common physically is that we have the exact same talking voice. My sister Kayla is 5'9 and 115 pounds and I am 5'5 and weigh more than 115 pounds.

this is my older sister Kayla

this is me

and like everyone thinks Kayla is so Hot like they are saying I am not




  1. ONe of you probably favors your mom more and the other probably favors your dad more in looks. You can still be siblings and not look alike.

  2. You both have similar noses =)

    As for ways to make yourself look better (not to compete with her, but to make yourself feel better) maybe change up your hair style. Some things that you sister has going for her that you seem to be lacking a little aren't genetic, just grooming. Her hair cut/color seem more flattering to her than your style, and she's shaped her eyebrows a little nicer which makes her eyes stand out and look larger. Both of those are just small changes that can make a big difference for your appearance. I'm sure with a little mini-makeover (hair and brows) that you'll look and feel much better!

    Good luck and don't let yourself feel bad because your sister gets more attention.

  3. "and like everyone thinks kayla is so Hot like they are saying I am not"


  4. one of yall prolli look like yall dad and the other prolli like yall mama.

    and ur sis is very pretty no homo

  5. im not even Joking, ur sister is HOT! I wouldnt compare if I were you, you just dont compare. Sisters shouldnt compete, Im sure you have a very nice personality.

  6. obviously you were both born from your Mother, so adoption is out??

    could there have been different fathers? Have you done a genetic test??

    Other than that if the same father and the same mother then who has the traits of the father and who has the traits of the mother. You might also go back to grandparents to see resemblances.

    you look cute, but I reckon your sister is a bit skinny.  Don't tell her she might get a complex or something.

  7. One of you may have more of your fathers genes and the other may have more of your mothers genes. I have a twin sister, and we don't look alike at all.  In fact, she is taller than I am and we are like day and night as far as the way we think and the things we like.  

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