
Why don't meat-eaters like vegetarians who persuade them to go veggie?

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Most meat eaters i meet try to persuade me to go all for meat, "It has a ton of iron and is good for you!" i hear so much. But when you try and persuade somebody to go veggie, POW, instant denial. Is it because there's more guilt in hurting other animals when you eat meat? (please, no answers like "It's our belief!", i know that)




  1. I'd guess it's for the same reason vegetarian's don't like meat-eaters who try to persuade them to go for one likes to have their choices criticized.

  2. i am a person who doesnt eat meat (so far for 1 and 3 forths of a year) i dont like putting labels on people

    probly the same reason you dont like meat eaters trying to persade you to eat meAT

    sorry person who wrote this before i didnt read ur answer

  3. I think this is alot like those people who wave leaflets in your face and try to "save" you in the parking lot.  People have their own fix on things, and this process does two things to them.  First, it makes them uncomfortable and defensive because someone is telling them that what they have been doing (presumably for a long time) is wrong and bad for them.  Second, it makes them pretty indignant that some stranger has a better idea of how to live their lives than they do.  If I were a vegetarian, I'd be upset if someone tried to convince me to go to meat.  No one answer is correct, but people respond better to conversation than conversion.

  4. simple, everybody likes to push others, but dont like to be pushed back, no matter the situation

  5. Live and let live, I say. You can't just pick a person to like or dislike because they are vegatarian or they eat meat. I believe you are suppose to like a person cause you just do, not because of what they eat or don't eat.... If you like meat that's great & if you don't then that's fine too. Everybody knows what they like, if they want to try something they will have to want to do it on there own, you can't force someone to like something.  Right???

  6. Same reason people don't like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses who try to convert them.

  7. Because when they were growing up, their parents tought them that it was GOOD for you (which it ISN'T with all those antibiotics, growth hormones, and steroids!!)

    And they think that humans NEED meat to survive (some lady on on Y!A told me that), which is NOT true. Our saliva is NOT meant to break down meat like a carnivore's saliva is.

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