
Why don't men have comparable rights?

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Men can be enslaved aka drafted. Men are held to a higher standard in the judicial system, but we don't have any say in reproductive matters other than if you don't want a kid keep it in your pants.

Why don't men have a similar or equitable right compared towards women's right to abortion and other advanced contraceptives?




  1. Q:  Why do little boys whine?

    A:  Because they are practicing to be men.

    PS: there hasn't been a draft for 40 years.  Stop whining, its boring.

  2. Men should have these rights, and to the people who told men to stop complaining about the draft, shut up. We have to sign our *** over at 18 encase they decide to reinstate it, so back off.

  3. This is not so much an answer as a comment.

    Unfortuneatly I lack the level to rate answers (hense this remark)

    I just wanted to say that SeeBeegals answer was great. Highly rational and sensible. Well said.

  4. 1. Draft is something I believe to be highly outdated. I agree with the other poster: in modern America, there is no reason both genders can't register for selective service. Either both or none. However, I can tell you this: if all of us register, odds are men will still get the short end of the stick. You will be assigned to infantry and combat arms, whereas I will probably be assigned to medical and administrative positions. I am sure you know those are generally exposed to less danger.

    I think this is one place where men and feminists will just have to come to terms with. Men hold a number of physical advantages over women, and they will likely make for better selection for combat position. Nature, not feminism, is to blame. I serve in the Navy and know firsthand my physical limitations as a woman. I believe women can still contribute greatly to the services.

    (On a side note, isn't it interesting that it is because of feminism that I can serve in the military, and therefore take the place of a man who may not want to volunteer? I'm happy to oblige :-) )

    2. Prejudices and stereotypes that permeate society inevitably affect court decisions. Blacks have often been at a disadvantage in the judicial system. Women are more likely to be seen as a victim and may receive an unfair advantage in trial.

    The only thing I can tell you is that many of these stereotypes are held by both men and women, and aren't necessarily the product of feminism. Old fashioned male judges and jury predating feminists PROBABLY would go softer on the "weaker, kindler" gender. I suppose only time will change this attitude.

    3. Men have some control in reproductive rights, and I believe science is working to improve this (ie, birth control pill for men). I am absolutely in favor of men taking rights and responsibilities to the bedroom. But again, I think that there has been an old fashioned mentality that has partially contributed to this problem ("that's for HER to worry about"). I see this changing too.

    As for abortion? Highly complicated matter, for its moral implications along with the fact that women carry the pregnancy and therefore face a number of reproductive disadvantages that men don't. Again, nature decided this. We are just a civilization trying to put order to something that will probably never really be equitable between the sexes. I agree it's complex and there are no black and white answers.

    Kris, feminism wasn't a perfect movement and as with all revolutions and changes, it will take time and experience to find the right balance for the best possible harmony between men and women. That is what I hope for and believe in.


  5. To the poster above: I'm not saying that women shouldn't have the final say, i think they should, because, as you stated, it is their body that the pregnancy is taking place in. However, i wish we at least had rights to be informed if our baby is born or aborted.

    Really, we have nothing as far as reproductive/parental rights go, except what women will give us after the birth.

    I'd just like to know if my kid was born, or if he was aborted, or even if he/she was adopted.

    Because where i live, we dont.

    Shiphrah: You are right with one thing, if health concerns are involved, the man should be overriden, for obvious reasons, like you said.

    However, i've studied medicine, and i know for a fact that the majority of pregnancies come and go without major incident, they are certainly an ordeal, but the female body is DESIGNED to make it through the ordeal without permanent injury. As such, i think is it, as you put it, "clearly ethically wrong" to leave the father out of the decision completely. Because, like Lord Voldemort(love the avatar dude! thats awesome) said, we get excited about having a baby, grow to love it, only to have it terminated. You can't sit here and tell me there's nothing morally wrong with that.

  6. I got a great idea! How about talking to your partner about consequences BEFORE you drop your pants? Problem solved!

  7. Well, gee, it's the woman's body that does all the work and delivers the baby and feeds the baby and it's the woman who can be fired from her job for reproducing (how often does that happen to a man?)  and it's the woman whose career suffers because she needs to spend time with her child and it's the woman who still does about 90% of the housework and childcare even in 2 parent families and it's the woman who does most of the child rearing and nurturing while a whole lot of men are no more than sperm donors at best.  So, do you still need to ask that question?  Jeesh!!!

  8. I agree that this is wrong. After all, men play a crucial role in reproduction, and it is unfair that they have NO reproductive rights whatsoever.

    I'm not against rights for women, but NO reproductive rights for men is too unfair.

    Abortion rights are OK, but I'd also like to know if the child I'm expecting my wife to deliver is gonna arrive at all or not.

    Men may not carry the child, but they still love it, and nobody else can experience what we go through when we distribute sweets to all our friends and buy stuff for the baby only to find out later that it was aborted without them knowing anything.

    There is really no correct answer to the other side of the issue (If men want the child but the woman doesn't). I guess you have to give women that one because you can't torture her body.

  9. Yep, the above poster is right.

    The entire world has been feminized.  There's nowhere to run buddy!!!


  10. There's nothing advanced about condoms.  They're easily accessible and should be used by men who don't want to have to face abortion issues.

  11. Okay, lets have a look at this question.

    I'm a guy so I'm not specifically against men's rights but I still have strong concerns with your question.

    1: Men actually can't be drafted in most developed nations; this is because mass media has made war more recognised and conscription would be political suicide for all involved governments. Women would be included in all conscription campaigns that occurred currently or into the future.

    2: We do have certain reproductive rights. Before any sexual relationship men can talk to their partners and both can be completely clear on what happens if pregnancy occurs. If a woman sleeps with a man specifically to get pregnant without his consent then this constitutes "sperm theft" (the woman must be deceitful regarding birth control measures that have been taken). If a woman is clear that she will not have an abortion and a man wants no children then he must not sleep with her unless he is willing to face responsibility if pregnancy occurs because carrying the child and the right for termination fall to the woman and likewise if the roles are reversed then the woman can get an abortion because refusal would constitute an act of slavery. Women really have the same rights but they face greater risk regarding pregnancy which is why there are more safeguards (not rights) towards the woman.

    If you want to talk about broader men's rights (i.e. that women have more rights than men at the moment) then you should also realise that men have such vast structural advantages (that I would be happy to email you about if you are curious) that any "advantages" that women have is less than 1 in a million on what men have.

    straight up: Women are still second class citizens due to the structural disadvantages that exist and yes, we are all worty of having the same rights.

    If reproductive rights are the only thing your worried about then you'll have to be contented with a higher wage, more respect and more value being attributed to your opinion.

  12. Interesting point about the draft.  In parts of Europe all men have to serve in the military for a while after leaving school, but they can be conscientious objectors and spend their 18 months or whatever working in an old people's home or some other kind of civic duty.  And this doesn't apply to women.  I think the idea of civic duty for men and women would be quite workable, and people could choose whether to go into the military or some other form of service.  I don't think it's right to draft men and not women.

    I don't know if men are held to a higher standard in the justice system.  Sometimes the justice system is especially hard on female criminals because women are 'supposed' to be better behaved than men - so when a woman does something appalling she's seen as an absolute monster, whereas a man would simply be a criminal.  But I'm sure there are occasions when men are held to a higher standard, and they shouldn't be.

    On men and reproductive rights: I don't see how there can be anything comparable.  It's clearly ethically wrong for a man to force a woman to have a baby when she wants a termination.  And it's clearly ethically wrong for a man to force a woman to have a termination when she wants to have the baby.  The reason it's ethically wrong is that the health consequences of decisions about whether to continue a pregnancy are felt only by the woman.  A man might want to make the decision, but the consequences of that decision have absolutely no impact on his health.  

    You've already mentioned the only comparable reproductive right available to men: refraining from penetrative s*x.  That is a right; women are not legally permitted to force men to have s*x.  Of course, it is perfectly possible to have a very good time in bed without having penetrative s*x.  So a man needn't go without sexual relationships to prevent fatherhood; he doesn't have to keep it in his pants; he just needs to keep it out of her v****a.  

  13. Draft? That I agree with, all or none. And by now wars should be the thing of the past only found in history books, but apparently we are not that progressive. Reproduction? Well it's nice if both parties (parents) have a well developed communication and can talk and even agree on something, but women should always have more say in this unless the couple is using a surrogate mother. It's her body that the process is taking a place in and she is much more influenced than the father of the baby is, thus it only makes sense that if she wishes not to go through a pregnancy she sould have an absolute right not to do so.

  14. The feminists are working to enslave, er ensure us guys that they only want "equality" and "fairness" to both genders.  I don't know the answer to this but sure am curious what kind of poppycock excuses we will see.

    I'll bet you will be attacked for your intelligence, lack of appendage size or blamed for women being victimized.

  15. I agree with you. I personally can speak as woman that the rights of a man are unequal. If a woman stands up and claims a man of rape, assault, sexual harassment, he is permentally stained and believed as a criminal without a doubt or question.

    When a couple goes to divorce, the wife always gets the children and money for them even if she is visibly an unfit mother.

    My friend had an issue a few months back where her mother wanted to get back at the husband for his drug use. No doubt she has serious mental issues. She went to the police station without any evidence or a mark on her and claimed her husband beats her and her children. She was able to get a restraining order on him for two months, he wasn't able to live in his own home, or see his own children.

    The two were over 18 and got the restraining order to remove their names. But the youngest was not only not able to be taken off but the judge felt he was doing the right thing, because a woman lying of such things couldn't be possible and gave her full custody of the child.

    Women can manipulate the system to their advantage and s***w over men at any give time for any give reason.

    They can ruin your life in a heart beat flat if they choose to.

    There is nothing like a woman's scorn.

  16. Hypocrisy and double standard.

    It's unfair and unjust how abortion is strictly a woman’s choice.  The man has no say and is completely irrelevant when it come to abortion.  BUT, once the woman decides to keep that baby the man(or his wallet) is immediately become relevant and responsible.

  17. This is a feminized world now. Any privelages are biased against men. Deal with it.

  18. It's demeaning to women not to hold them to as high a standard in court. If that's true, it needs to change. Last I heard, men don't get drafted. Men don't carry the fetus. Maybe the couple should sign something like a prenup before having s*x.

  19. Maybe it'll take a little bit of old school morals.  Maybe men need to take back the role of leaders and refrain from having casual sexual intercourse with potentially manipulative untrustworthy women.  I'm sure i'll get the laugh, but wait till marriage.  The fact that such one sided reproductive rights exist,  and women are awareof this, and are not fighting to have them removed and made fair proves that they have failed in their fight for equality.

    Men were let off the hook from the responsibilities sexually many years ago, and now men may have to look at zipping their ***** up and just erring on the side of caution.  Find real women, who are not about what ever morals s*x and the city is selling.  If women are not going to recognize their own responsibilities in all of this maybe men should just take back what was theirs originally.  It may not have been right, but since I wasn't going to bow down to some man, I sure ain't going to bow down to some woman.  And many men probably think the same way.  Women should realize that there could be a significant backlash in future generations if they don't exercise wisdom.  Food for thought!    

  20. I know I'm coming to your question a bit late, but I hope you'll see this anyway.

    I'm not going to argue hypotheticals, such as "why don't men have the right, etc."  You have very valid reasons to be angry, but stop saying "FEMINISTS should do this."

    If you don't like the situation, DO SOMETHING  to change it.  March, organize letter-writing campaigns, get signatures on petitions, get yourselves on talk shows, etc.  Become the change you want to be.  Do you honestly think you're doing any good whatsoever coming here and whining about a situation you don't like?  Do you think the miscreants on those ridiculous misogynist websites will ever be effective?

    Feminism succeeded because it was a grassroots movement starting when women sat around their kitchen tables and talked about why they were unhappy.  Now you must do the same for yourselves.  We'll help you, despite what you imagine is hatred of men.  But we won't do it for you.  Get up, get out, and take care of yourselves.

  21. I don't know if it's because I am cheesing my balls off right now but your question; makes about as much sense as George Dubya. Are you making a funny? America F YEAH!

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