
Why don't men so there affection for there wives or girlfriends?

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Why don't men so there affection for there wives or girlfriends?




  1. i have no idea, thats a lot of the reason my husband and i are divorcing this week

  2. They do.

    Men I work with talk about their wives all the time.  My husband lets everyone know I am with him when we go out.

  3. That's too much of an assumption. I'm sure many do. If a woman makes a man feel like a man...she will get attention.  

  4. I get plenty of affection from my man, in fact we are about to get married - we have been together for 4 years. The truth is men and women receive love differently, if you give him the love he needs then he will give you the affection you need. There are a number of ways that people give and receive love we read the book "The five love languages" By Dr Gary Chapman and our relationship got even better. Maybe it could help you?

  5. some do some don't. some people are private.

  6. Personally I think when a man finds it hard,  to show or demonstrate his affections to a woman.  That it means he doesn't care about her.

      With the exception if the woman is not interested in him.  If she doesn't want what he has to offer, than the poor guy has to keep his feelings to himself.

  7. I don't know what is going on in my husbands head.....but he loves to sit on the couch with me and watch movies with me and he does cuddles  a little....but if I want him to do any thing besides that  i have to little notes in his room.  

  8. For men, this is simply 2 possible reasons:

    1) Lack of Education.  I'm not talking about High School/College education, rather education from their wife/gf.  Your needs/wants/desires are not obvious to us.  And any assumption that it is will lead to disappoint.  Women need to state (clearly) what they need from their guys.  For example, I had no idea that my wife liked getting little notes from me.  Does not really matter what they say, just the fact that I was thinking of her and communicating with her satisfies a need.  Pick 3 thinks you need from him and Tell Him.

    2) Lack Of Friendship.  Your guy may love you and even state it, but does he Like you?  There are people in my life that I love, but do not enjoy spending time with.  This is why, in a marriage, Friendship is SO important.  Friends First, Love Second.  If your guy does not enjoy being with you, then he will probably not put forth the effort to entertain you, make you laugh, hold you hand, etc...  He does not see the value in the effort.  To correct, start building a friendship with him.  Common interest is a start.  For example, my wife and I both play Volleyball together and the common interest build friendship.

  9. you make a generalization that in many or most cases is not true.  women will hint that they want something but sometimes we just dont pick up on it.  no one's fault just the way it is.  

    sometimes we show the affection and it isnt returned the way we expect it to be and over time you just figure why bother.  

    all i know is that this is a common theme for women and if i knew the answers i'd have my own show like dr phil.

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