
Why don't moms shop at walmart for baby things?

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I have seen so many answers of parents saying not to shop there for your baby things.

Did I miss something?

Is there a reason so many are saying this?




  1. I haven't seen people say they don't shop at Wal-Mart. I shop there all the time.

  2. I bought my first stroller there 5 years ago, and I still have it. I love my jeep stroller... Nothing wrong with walmart...If you dont like the purchase return it...  

  3. no walmart? thats a funny. a love shopping at walmart, getting more for my money and it's still cute and effective

  4. I Love walmart! i have bought everything for my baby there so far.

  5. i buy everything there for baby and the house (and sometimes me)

  6. I have no clue. Wal-mart is a fine place to get baby stuff. I get things there as I need them.  

  7. I don't know why.  I sure shop there for mine!

  8. walmart is EVIL

  9. if you did, so did i. i buy alot of stuff there. and their return policy is awesome.

  10. We bought a huge majority of our nany things at wa;l mart

  11. Don't know, but I love Wal Mart

  12. Not this mom.  I might as well live at Wal Mart.

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