
Why don't more people use cloth diapers?

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This is a serious question. I am a full-time working mom and I still have time to do 2 extra loads of laundry per week. With diapers, there is no sorting or folding either. I shove the clean ones into a drawer. Are people really so hard pressed for time that they can't throw something in the washer and push the button?

I am just curious. The main answer I get is the "time" factor, but I can't understand how a parent can't spare 15 combined minutes a week. The money savings to me is worth it.




  1. Thats cool that cloth diapers worked for you. I always wanted to try them. I still wouldn't mind trying them. I'm just not sure how to use them and i never found any of the cloth diaper websites very useful. And the cloth diapers i found online were like $12 dollars a piece . My son uses 7-10 diapers a day. If i knew for sure they would work for us i would spend that  much because it would still be way cheaper then disposables.  

  2. i used cloth diaper the whole day,but in bed time i use disposable diaper,of course i have my spare time to extra loads of laundry but i dont want to wake up my baby just to change her diaper.i make sure in day time she'll use cloth diapers to make sure shes free from rashes a nd also from urinary track infection.keep up the good work.. : )

  3. I use cloth and don't have any complaints.  I think most people think they're too hard to put on, too time consuming, and don't know about the cloth diaper revolution of the last couple decades.  No more pins!  No more plastic pants!  Some are as easy to use as disposables, people!  Yes, those kinds are more expensive, but you can save a lot of money by buying them used and they more than pay for themselves, especially if you use them for two or more babies.

    In the last year the only time my toddler use sposies was over the 4th of July weekend when we stayed with my Grandma.  I put a disposable on him right before we walked out the door and changed him as soon as we got to my grandma's house 2 1/2 hours later.  The poor boy had a rash!  He has NEVER gotten a rash in cloth!  Cloth is awesome, people!

  4. I think it is because they have to roll the dirty diaper up and take it home with them if they are out, a lot of ppl don't know how to use them and it is really convienient to just throw it away.  A lot of parents also have to do their laundry at laundry mats or live in apartments with communal wash machines.  It costs them extra money to do it this way and they have to keep the dirty diapers around longer.  I use diaposables, but I do think that cloth diapers are a good option for people who do have wash machines and don't travel alot

  5. I think it's a little intimidating to be honest.  I am looking into using them, but I have 2 toddlers and trying something new is scary.  Plus there is the upfront cost, I know they are cheaper in the long run, but up front they can be pricey.  Then there is the convincing of the spouse, my husband is a little leary of the idea.  And it is a time factor too.  We will have 5 people in our family.  We already do so much laundry, and with everything else, more laundry is not an exciting prospect.  Still checking on it and thinking of it.

  6. I wouldn't use cloth diapers because I change my son's diaper every time he pee's! I go through about 8-10 diapers per day, minimum! I would have to buy a LOT of cloth diapers to always have one on hand.

    And I'm always out and about with my son; it would be a HUGE hassle to bring a dirty cloth diaper home with me to wash it .. especially a poopy one.

    I'm sure some people prefer cloth diapers, that's their prerogative; just not something I would ever consider.

  7. laziness

  8. I use a combination of cloth and disposable.The time factor for me isn't to do with the washing but actually getting the cloth nappy in my wriggly 6 month old..It can take me up to ten minutes sometimes and by the time I get it on it's all loose from the wriggling. Also my daughter gets nappy rash if I use cloth too many times in a row... even if I change them hourly. She sleeps 13 hours over night so I use disposables then too and when we go out.

    Those are my reasons anyways... oh and when she was a bit younger I felt as though they were bulky and restricted her movement... she is a very active baby so seemed to get frustrated as she found it harder to roll etc.

  9. its not the time.

    its just all the c**p on it.

    the diapers you just trow out.

    and its alot cleaner.

    there could still be bacterica left in.

    even after cleaning it.

    its more comfy for the baby too.

  10. A lot probably don't know about the various new cloth diapers, I know when I thought of them I thought of the old style terry toweling ones. I have looked at some of the more modern ones, and for me the issue is the upfront cost to purchase all the diapers you would need. I know disposables are more expensive in the long run, but cloth diapers are just so expensive to start off with. Then there is also the issue of how green they really are because of all the extra washing you have to do - so you are using more water. I have looked into cloth diapers and would love to get some peapods (I am Australian and so are these diapers) but for me its more about the money outlay to stock up on them all, than the time factor. Although when I return to study and my partner takes over as primary parent it would be up to him to do all the cloth nappies. Just depends on the individual, and there is money as well as time involved.  

  11. The problem I see with cloth is that you have to go and dump the p**p and then go wash it and do all that work. I know it is better for the environment but I am a mom, wife, and student. We don't all have the go go attitude you do. Good for you though. Keep up the hard work.

  12. I never was really introduced to them. I always thought they would be too messy! That's just me though! With disposable diapers you can just toss them and go...  

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