
Why don't more people use their turn signals when they drive?

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I live in Las Vegas, and I would say only about 30% of the drivers here use their turn signals. Is it laziness or stupidity? I think it is a very dangerous practice not to use the signals,and I wish more police would crack down on this bad habit. Thoughts?




  1. Not using signals is gambling with your life.  What would Vegas be without gambling?  It is the last place you should be if you want to avoid risk.

  2. yes that is almost as annoying as those little old ladies who leave on their turn signals for five exits. ...:P

  3. they think there being cool.

  4. 1) People are lazy - Consider the proliferation of automatic transmissions despite all of their disadvantages. Some cars have cruise control, automatic headlights and rain-sensing windshield wipers. God forbid that you ever have to touch any vehicle controls and actually do something manually!

    2) People are arrogant - They are entitled to change lanes whenever they darn well please and it is YOUR responsibility to avoid them. After all, the whole world revolves around them.

    3) People are stupid - using a turn signal requires them to either hang up their cell phone, stop applying make-up, or cease whatever other distraction they are engaged in.

  5. It's carelessness and laziness on the part of people. Most people just don't care. Their either too busy yakking on the phone, eating breakfast, reading the paper, popping zits, etc. But when they hit you, they ask you in disbelief "Didn't you see my signal, stupid?". Most people are just too selfishly engrossed in their own life, unable to manage their time so they are always running late for something and really don't care about you one way or the other.

  6. I think it's just sheer laziness on their part...that is something that drives me crazy!!!  I refer to it as "psychic driving" as these people want everyone to be mind readers and just instinctively know where they are going!  LOL!

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