
Why don't more physicians, psychiatrists, etc. consider nutritional deficiencies as causes for various illness

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Vitamin D has been linked recently to Autism and many other health issues. There are certain genetic disorders that can cause wasting of minerals and vitamins as well.

Is it possible that the onslaught of mental illness, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, pain, and even autoimmune disorders could somehow be tied into a lack of proper nutrition? Is it possible that certain emotional problems could now be because of overprocessing of our foods and a lack of balance? What do you think?




  1. I think the toxins in our foods, water, vaccines, etc. are likely the culprit in the increase of autism, ADD & ADHD. I also know that doctor's don't get kick-backs & freebies from vitamin manufacturers but they most certainly DO from pharmaceutical companies. The FDA also benefits from the large companies. Due to this I'm afraid things may never change!

  2. Many of the conditions you listed (fibromyalgia, and especially autoimmune diseases) cand be controleld and cured in many cases with dietary changes (fish oil, ginger, tumeric, saying no to dairy products etc) but the dug companies will lose serious $$$ and the system is rigged to give you expensive med treatment.   If you have any other questions, come to

    It is a message board where we discuss many issues

  3. I think it's all about their own pocket book on many levels, don't you?

  4. There actually is a lot of evidence pointing towards nutritional causes and treaments of ilness including mental disorders, but sadly a lot of doctors don't like jumping on them. Doctors receive money from pharmaceutical companies and pharmas receive money from as long as the doctors tell the patients they need to take "x" medication, the pharms will continue to get rich.

    You may not have realized it, but one of the wounded victims of the columbine shooting tried to sue a pharmaceutical company claiming that the prozac the shooters were on caused them to become more suicidal. Everything was going great until the pharmaceutical company paid the lawyer several million to drop the case.

    Never heard of the vitamin D and autism link...but I won't dismiss it until I research that further.

    The overprocessing of food removes almost all the nutritional content from foods, so companies will just add it back in (a process called "fortification"). There have been scientific studies showing that synthetic and fortified vitamins aren't as readily absorbed by the intestine as natural sources are (such as the natural beta carotene in a carrot, and not the vitamin A added back into wonder bread.)

  5. most of what you say is very true-

    nutritional deficeincies can cause problems-

    but Fibromyalgia is not one of tehm--

    It can cause symptoms that mimic Fibromylagia, but does not cause REAL fibromyalgia--that beign said--it could make real Fibromyalgia worse.

    my own research (which I did before i heard from the experts) agrees with what respected Fibromyalgia specialists beleive---it is a neurological disorder-cause by a problem with the way the brain processes neurotransmitters-

    Real fibromyalgia is showing a response to neurological treatments--I am involved in a clinical trial that is having a high success rate-

    My vitamin levels are fine-inlcuding vitamin D

  6. Well, in the past intake of Vitamins & Minerals were cosidered to be essential for normal life because the body was said to be unable to synthesize these food components itself.

    But now it is proved that the body has the ability to synthesize some of these components according to its metabolic & Homeostatic needs. e.g.

    Vit.D is synthesized within the skin by the action of Ultraviolet rays of the Sunlight.

    Vit.K & some B Complex vitamins are synthesized by the normal flora of gastrointestinal tract.....etc

    other vitamins like A, E, C etc are now under exclusive investigation for the retrievel of any clue or proof that our body is capable to synthesize them.

    so, it is doubtfull that nutritional deficiencies are aetiologically responsible for various diseases (except for the poor regions).

    Apart from the above statements, it is truth that a wide range of diseases are caused by nutritional deficiencies;

    but almost all of those are not due to the DEFICIENCY of nutritional components, instead , they're either caused by the METABOLIC defects in the enzyme systems (To synthesize OR Utilize these components) in various body organs OR they are caused by the genetic MUTATIONS which can be inherited or aquired.

    Therefore, Physicians & Doctors intend & aim to TREAT THE CAUSE.........NOT THE CASE.

    ..............................Praying for your health!................................

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