
Why don't more schools use solar power as a source of electricity for there schools?

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Why don't more schools use solar power as a source of electricity for there schools?




  1. The initial start up cost is high. Since schools are funded by local property taxes, this means local property taxes would have to go up, at least for a little while. Try raising property taxes at your next town meeting and see how easy it is.

  2. hi crocop60.......,

    i think its because of the following reasons:]

    1. its difficult to harness solar energy.

    2. sun's energy is not available at all times.

    3. its space consuming.

    4. the setup is not cost effective.

    5. most people find its operation difficult.

    next, most importantly most people do not realize the importance and necessity of contributing in the welfare of environment as a whole............the basic principle is that if u can afford the electricity that is being provided currently then why to go for alternative means or think of future which is a wrong approach.

    people shall think of such means only when the situation will become actually critical , demanding serious attention.

    ur friend,


  3. as a school is very big and utilizes a lot amount of electricity and other source of energy so it is not possible to use solar energy

  4. they don't use solar powere because some schools cannot afford it. schools also use alot of power and possibly will not gain anything from using solar panels. if they were to install solar panels they would have to install them on most buildings in the school and would cost a lot of money.

  5. Too expensive, today.  But, that is soon changing.  Recent advances in solar energy production will make it much more affordable very soon.  As to cost, activism goes a long way.  If you want renewable energy, recycling, etc. in your school, you can make it happen!  A local college where I live recently approved a green energy fund to be added to tuition cost at the request of students.  It is only $5 per semester, but will add up and help raise awareness, even if it is just a panel here and there.  We create our own futures.

  6. Solar power is expensive, it also relies on the type on government aswell. Legal or not! Some schools cannot afford these things, but if the law suggested it, then schools will run on Solar power energy.

  7. If you are talking about the US. The reason is because the government is trying to ignore the fact that global warming exists, so they won't fund things like tha.

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